Everything Attraction

What is the Law of Attraction and how does it work?

What is the Law of Attraction and how does it work?

The Law of Attraction is one of several universal laws affecting every being in our universe every single day.
The Law of Attraction states “That which is like unto itself is drawn” which also means like attracts like. The Law of Attraction can bring, whatever you are focused upon into your life – whether it is wanted or unwanted.

Why is The Law of Attraction so powerful?

The Law of Attraction is affecting your reality all day, every day. And not just your own reality but also the lives of all other beings as well. It is the reason why your life is the way it is right now.
Because the Law of Attraction is matching you up with life experiences you are a vibrational match with, understanding how it works and applying changes to use it to your advantage can have tremendous benefits.
By understanding why and how it works, you can, therefore, literally create the life of your dreams without any limits.

Everything you experience right now in your life has been brought to you by the Law of Attraction. Every experience, every material object in your life has been brought to you because you are a vibrational match to it.
The Law of Attraction brings you whatever matches the vibrational frequency you are vibrating on.
Every thought you think and every emotion you feel is on a different vibrational frequency, and you can clearly feel it. Hate, for example, feels different than Happiness. Love feels different than Fear.
Whenever you feel something or focus on something, you are vibrating on the very same frequency as the thought you choose to think or the emotion you choose to feel, is on.

Everything you experience right now in your life has been brought to you by the Law of Attraction. Every experience, every material object in your life has been brought to you because you are a vibrational match to it.
The Law of Attraction brings you whatever matches the vibrational frequency you are vibrating on.
Every thought you think and every emotion you feel is on a different vibrational frequency, and you can clearly feel it. Hate, for example, feels different than Happiness. Love feels different than Fear.
Whenever you feel something or focus on something, you are vibrating on the very same frequency as the thought you choose to think or the emotion you choose to feel, is on.

How does the Law of Attraction work?

The Law of Attraction does not necessarily bring you the things you want – The Law of Attraction brings you the things that are in vibrational harmony with you.

So how exactly does it work:
If you feel happy, on a consistent basis, the Law of Attraction will bring you more things you’ll be happy about.
Why? Because this is the vibrational frequency, you are vibrating on.

If you feel fearful on a consistent basis, the Law of Attraction will match you up with situations and experiences which will make you feel more fearful about because you chose to be on this frequency on a consistent basis.

This principle applies to all emotions and frequencies.

The Law of Attraction is always responding. But many people either have a misunderstanding of how it works or do not know this Law at all.
The Law of Attraction does not respond to what you are asking for with your words. The Law of Attraction responds to your vibrational frequency. Whatever you are focused upon, you include in your vibration. Therefore, if people are watching the news or if they choose to focus on the negative things in their lives, they will be in vibrational harmony with the things they do not want and will, therefore, attract more of these things in into their lives.

If The Law of Attraction works, why do some people experience negative things in their lives?

Just observe the people around you, and you will notice that what they mostly think and talk about, they are experiencing. Those who have fearful thoughts and feel fearful emotions, for example, are experiencing things in their lives which make them more fearful – these manifestations could show up in the form of illness for example or being threatened by someone.

If someone, however, is feeling happy on a consistent basis, they often have experiences in their lives which are uplifting and bring more happiness to them.

So one could want abundance for example but at the same time focus on the absence of money every single day. The Law of Attraction will respond to the true emotions this person is feeling and not to what this person wants as what he wants is on a very different vibration than his day to day emotions.

You will notice this, once you start observing the people around you. What they really feel and think, always matches what they are living.

If someone is experiencing unwanted things, it is because this person is mostly focused on negative thoughts and emotions. If someone, however, is in alignment with his desire, it must manifest. It is law.

You can manifest whatever you want by achieving vibrational alignment with what you are wanting. Once you are vibrating on the same frequency as your desire, you will hold it in your hands or experience the very thing you wanted.
The key is, to focus on what you want without resistance and it will be yours.

How can I manifest the life of my dreams?

However, keep in mind, that every topic is really two topics: The wanted and the unwanted.
But what does that mean?
Just like magnets have two poles, every subject is really two subjects – the positive and the negative.

Let’s take money as an example:
You can be either focused on the presence of money or the absence of money. Both are about the same topic but are on very different frequencies as the feeling of having money will bring you more money, the feeling of absence of money will bring you situations of financial struggle.

The same principle applies to all other topics as well.

Love is another good example. You can be focused either on the presence of the absence of it.

What you want, however, is always on the frequency of the positive part of any topic. You can not feel negative about something and attract what you want because the frequencies will not match.

So in order to manifest what you are really wanting, it is essential to find vibrational harmony with the very thing you are desiring. Once you achieve this vibrational harmony and you manage to stay on this frequency for a bit, manifestations will show up easily and quickly.

What is the Law of Attraction and how does it work?
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What is the Law of Attraction and how does it work?
What is the Law of Attraction and how does it work? It is not just about positive thinking. There is more to understand when it comes to mastering the Law of Attraction
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Everything Attraction
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