Everything Attraction

They’ve made a Tumor disappear within Minutes using the Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Manifestation Success Story

Today’s Law of Attraction Manifestation News Story is all about the power of Law of Attraction healing. This is the first of many Law of Attraction Success Stories to be published by Everything Attraction on a weekly basis.

In this video, you can see a Tumor disappearing within literally Minutes from a woman’s body. It is a powerful demonstration of the power of the mind to heal the body. On the left side of the monitor of the main practitioner, you can see a picture of the tumor as it was before the treatment. While on the right side of the monitor, you can see the live Ultrasound of the Tumor.

The practitioners in this video practice an ancient healing method which is called “Chi-Lel Qigong”. This ancient method requires months of preparation and mental practizes but seems to bring forward amazing results.

Is it really possible to cure any disease with your mind?

The short answer is yes!

Science has proven over and over again that the cells of the body respond to the emotions one feels. The two main categories of whether one feels positive or negative emotions make the most significant difference. If the person does feel negative emotions, the communication between the cells of the human body is being disturbed and the human body, therefore, is not able to function correctly.

If the communication between the body cells is disturbed in some way, many kinds of diseases can be the result.

The opposite happens when a person feels positive emotions. In this case, the communication between the cells of the human body is functioning correctly. In this case, the body is able to extract all Vitamins from the food, and the cells of the body are able to do what they are supposed to do.

The good news, however, is, that it is possible to reverse illness and cure any disease with your mind. Even Tumors and Cancer – and this video shows this fact to be true.

What is the healing secret? How do they do it?

The woman in this video prepared for this event for months before she was in a state of mind where she was ready for the Tumor to disappear forever.

In those months of preparation, the woman learned to focus on being healed already by using several self-healing techniques such as:

  • Healing energy techniques
  • Self-healing meditation
  • Visualization of the Tumor being healed

She allowed herself to detach from reality so that the healing she wanted, became more dominant in her focus and vibration than the “old reality” of being sick. Once her dominant energy was the one of being healed and her vibration was as resistance free as possible, it was time for her to attend to the final treatment.

For the past months, she and the practitioners who are standing behind her and chanting a word, have chosen one word which brings out the emotion of being healed already and they have trained their feelings in relation to t his word. So when they started to chant the word, that represented the emotion of being healed over and over again, the Tumor disappeared immediately.

This video shows us how much the mind influences the human body and that every illness starts in our head, because of the thoughts we think and because of the emotions we feel as a result of it. It also shows us that everything is possible and there is always a way to how to heal yourself with the power of your mind.

All you really need to do is to focus on what you want – on what being healthy feels like. Make sure to get away from any stressful situation or ease yourself from chronic stress as much as possible. Be grateful for being healed already and let this emotion become dominant. Meditate. Laugh. Focus on the beautiful things in your life. And finally, relax and trust your body! Trust that the cells of your body know what to do. Trust that your body knows how to return to its healthy state of being.

If you trust, you release the resistance that might be the reason for you not having received the healing yet. The less resistance you feel, the faster your body is able to recover.

We hope to have inspired you with today’s manifestation success story.

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