Everything Attraction

Attitude Of Gratitude – This Will Change Your Life

If you’ve just now been introduced to the Law of Attraction or if you’ve been aware of it for years, you’ve probably already heard about how important gratitude is. Gratitude should be the thought that you have the most often during your day. 

This is definitely not a new thought; it has been around forever to the ones who had an open mind and heart. Even in the Bible it states that he who has gratitude will be given more but he who does not, even what he does have will be taken from him.

Even if you’re not a religious person, you have to wonder that if this has existed for thousands of years and they’ve been teaching and preaching about it for years, there must be some important truth to it.

All spiritual programs end even recovery programs teach this as well because gratitude is like a powerful magnet for more positivity and goodness to be brought into your life.

When was the last time that you were grateful for the trees, grass or birds when you took a stroll outside? When was the last time you took a deep breath and said thank you for just that, breathing?

Some of us are so busy doing too many things at once that we don’t take the time to be truly grateful for what we have in our lives.  We’re driving and listening to music or walking and texting or talking to someone. I get it, I’m often guilty about doing those things also. 

Being grateful and practicing gratefulness shouldn’t be an afterthought but instead you should integrate gratitude in your daily routine.

They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit so how about starting that habit today?  

When you wake up in the morning, your first thoughts should be “Thank you”. Be grateful to be alive and breathing. Be grateful for the new day that is starting where there will be plenty more for you to be grateful and thankful for. 

As you are going through your day, be fully present and aware of your surroundings and notice the beauty that surrounds you. It’s very easy to feel grateful when looking at nature so if you are having trouble finding things to be grateful for, look out into nature to give you some inspiration. I often find myself saying out loud, “Oh wow!!! Thank you” when catching a glimpse of a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Gratitude is fully integrated in my daily routine now and every moment that I have some time to myself, I use that time to reflect on what I am experiencing in the moment and being present and grateful for all of it.

Your gratitude list:

Get yourself a pad of paper and a pen and set it next to your bedside table. For the next 21 days, try listing as many things as you can (you can start with 5-10 things) that you experienced during the day that you are grateful for. Keep 2 of those lines on your note pad for things that you have not yet manifested into reality. Be grateful and thankful for those two things as much as you are for the rest that you can already taste, touch, hear and see. 

As you are going along these 21 days of gratitude, take note of the things that have shifted in your life since you started this list of gratitude. Write them down and be grateful and feel that gratefulness deep in your heart.

After 21 days, you will have created a new life routine. You’ll wake up in the morning and it will now be second nature for you to do this. Little by little, you will be aware of all the things manifesting all around you and for you that you won’t want to stop this attitude of gratitude! If you’ve had any blockages in your life on being able to manifest your desires, this will certainly shift your thoughts and you will have opened that flow of good things to come to you. 

This gratitude project doesn’t cost you anything, but the rewards are endless. Give this a try and let me know how this has worked for you!

Law of Attraction Manifestation Calendar 2019

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