Everything Attraction

Why Are We So Impatient With Life, When Life Is So Patient With Us?

He that can have patience can have what he will.

-Benjamin Franklin

We live in a generation where people want instant results and expect things now. It is like we only have a few days left on this earth and if we don’t get rich this second then we won’t ever get rich. You start a podcast and after a week you see you only have 5 followers instead of the 10 thousand you were expecting. “That’s it, I give up. This is not worth my time.” A phrase many of us are familiar with. Lately we have been looking for the quick ways on how to do things instead of just having persistence which has proven over and over again that it works.

Patience is extremely important to have because when we are in a state of patience we are calm and our bodies are relaxed. When we expect things now and it doesn’t happen we get angry and start stressing. Not only have we removed ourselves from the frequency of receiving what we want but the body goes into stress mode and that triggers the

What stress does to the body

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

William James

According to healthline.com stress can cause the following symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Heartburn: Stress increases the production of stomach acid which can over time damage your Oesophagus and even your throat. Making it painful to swallow.
  • Rapid breathing: The muscle that helps you breathe tenses up and that then leads to a shortness in breath.
  • Risk of heart attack: Stress increases your heart rate and blood pressure and over a continuous time this can damage your arteries which can lead to a heart attack. No heart, no life.
  • Pounding heart
  • Fertility problems: It has been proven that stress does play a role when it comes to infertility in both men and women.
  • Erectile dysfunction: One of the most worrying things for men is not to be able to perform properly. Well if you continue to stress this might become your reality.
  • Missed periods: Stress can cause irregular periods and sometimes even missed ones. Which is an indication that the hormones are definitely out of balance.
  • Increased depression: Stress takes a serious toll on our emotional state which can increase the risks of depression and anxiety. It is so important to have a good grip on our emotions because depression can cause you to lose all hope in living and in many cases it can lead to suicide.
  • Insomnia: How many times have you heard that sleep is import for the body to regenerate and recover. A lack of sleep can affect your performance and can lead to fatigue and brain fog.
  • Weakened Immune system: The immune system is what helps you fight diseases and when it is weakened you are now more prone to getting sick because your body is struggling to fight back.
  • High blood sugar: Stress causes your liver to release extra sugar into the body and over time this can lead to type 2 diabetes. There have been many cases where people who have suffered a traumatic event are then diagnosed with type 2 diabetes because the stress was just too much to handle.
  • High blood pressure: The stress hormone tightens the blood vessels which then leads to high blood pressure. High blood pressure is commonly known as the silent killer.
  • Stomach ache: Stress messes with the digestive system which can then lead to digestive problems, nausea, and many other things.
  • Low sex drive: Sex is such a healthy part of a human’s life but due to stress and fatigue it has a significant impact on the libido. Which in return can also affect your romantic relationship which in the end just leads to more stress.
  • Tense muscles: Stress can cause the muscles in the body to tense up and can lead to headaches and backaches. The body cannot move properly when it is tense which causes pain in your muscles and joints which can make it hard to function throughout the day.

I think you get the point. Stress really is the underlying issue for a lot of our everyday problems. You have to be so careful not to have stress in your life that sometimes you don’t even know about. An easy way to figure out what is causing your stress is to observe your thoughts throughout the day. The thoughts that keep on coming back and making you feel agitated and tense, those are the problems in your life that causes you to stress.

Tips on how to practice having patience

  1. You should make yourself wait for the things you want. Offer the person behind you to pay for their groceries first when standing in a que or have that chocolate cake you have been craving on the weekend instead of during the week. This way when you receive what it is you are waiting for you will be more grateful and you will realise that it is okay to not always receive what you want in the moment.
  2. Stop acting busy and rather be productive. We have been told our whole lives that working hard is what makes us successful. That is not true. Stop working yourself to death on pointless projects when it is not going to be beneficial in any way. Rather focus on getting done that which truly matters.
  3. What is it that is making you impatient? We often have so many tasks to complete at once that we go from one task to another without completing the task at hand. Let us take a few seconds to chill. Write down what it is that you have to get done and then start with the first task and forget about the rest and one by one you can start ticking off the items on your list.
  4. Take deep breaths, relax and clear your mind. When you are in a situation that is making you impatient; stop, breathe and take a moment to clear your mind. Bring yourself to a happy place and ask yourself, “Is freaking out going to benefit me in anyway?” Then move on.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.

Napoleon Hill

There are so many opportunities in our lives that we miss because we are too focused on receiving now. Keep persisting, don’t give up because what you are wishing for is making its way to you right now. Napoleon hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”

Law of Attraction Manifestation Calendar 2019

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