Everything Attraction

Being Centred – Beyond Positivity

In the spiritual/manifesting community, so much emphasis has been put on this idea that positivity somehow has more value over negativity. This is false. In the grand scheme of things, as in, universally speaking, positivity and negativity are simply two parts of the same body, which have simply been given reference points to mark the degrees of that body. If it’s an experience we are talking about, then there is no such thing as good or bad experiences, only varying degrees of the one body of experience. If we are talking about temperature, there is no such thing as hot or cold, after all, who decides this? There is only temperature itself at varying degrees. We name both extremes hot and cold and we treat each as separate entities, yet they belong to the same body known as temperature. Therefore positivity and negativity are both equal parts of the body of polarity.

Let’s go further. What is the extreme end of negativity? Most likely self-destruction is somewhere near the edge, yes? Ok, if the opposite of negativity is positivity then what is the opposite of self-destruction? It is not self-love, as one might assume, this sits somewhere else as will be discussed later. The answer to the question is self-obsession. Narcissism. Self-preservation at any cost (as opposed to self-destruction). Does either of these qualities rule over the other? Or, do they really have that much of a contrast at all except the shade they come in? Let us go even further – in the spiritual community, negativity is viewed as bad because people who are lacking are seen as toxic. However, self-righteousness is just as toxic. If you consider yourself “awakened” yet you judge those who are not then how does your self-righteous attitude make you any better than those who are not “awakened,” who are also judging you with equal disdain? Is either side any better than the other?

So, where then can we find the space for productive thinking if it is not in positivity? Well, where does God exist? Or, if you prefer to use the word universe, what then are you told as a spiritual person to do when meditating? What is the way of Buddhism? Is it not…centred? Is God not in the centre? Or as a spiritual person, are you not told to find your own centre of being? When meditating are we not told to be centred? Does Buddhism not promote to middle way? And for fans out there of Neville Goddard, correct me if I am wrong, but does Neville not say think LOVING thoughts? For Love has no opposite. Hate is the opposite of self-righteousness, not love. Love is CENTRED, why? Because true love is unconditional and exists in the center of being, that space where no judgment exists. It is where God exists. God has never judged. Ever. God is your own imagination and your imagination gives you everything you have ever asked for. WITHOUT PREJUDICE, without any notions of punishment, without any notions of what you might think you deserve. You simply get one thing in all of eternity.

You get what you imagine – without question and without bias.

Now, what does it mean to be centred? I call this “reconciliation,” and here is why. Imagine a personification of positivity and negativity, imagine they are both characters in a play. Imagine “they” are two halves of the same pie yet they have no idea they are two halves of the same pie. If one walks away, the other automatically walks away. When one moves closer the other cannot help but move closer. What is moving away and coming closer is not the two sides of the pie but the energy of the two halves bond, IT’S bond – it’s realisation of ITSELF. See, the pie is not split, each side only thinks of itself as separated from the one body. So, the two sides of this pie, let us call one light and the other dark. Light being positive, dark being negative. So light moves forward from their self-righteous throne and reaches out a hand. The darkness moves forward automatically. It has to, it is part of the same body, it must move with it, but it is also attracted to the gesture. Remember also in their stubbornness, both are blind. One blinded by darkness, one blinded by light. Both opposites can BLIND. But as they move towards each other, one sees the light ahead, their world illuminates, the other sees how their light lights up a space of uncertainty to show that there was never a problem in the first place. They both meet in the middle, they RECONCILE and as one body they become divine, they become ONE GOD, because these two halves are the two extreme ends of the divine creator. Which is you, for God is your own wonderful human imagination, and your duty is to reconcile with that fact, and you will do so when you can transcend polarity, not deny it, but to transcend it.

In ancient terms we call this alchemy , to break down the elements and raise the base level to a divine height. Not deny the base level, but to RAISE IT UP. Which is what opposites must do with each other, they must raise EACH OTHER to the height of God, the height of reconciliation, the height of knowing who one’s own self really is.

Law of Attraction Manifestation Calendar 2019

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