Life is all about changes. Whether they are planned (i.e. wedding) or unplanned (i.e. layoffs) changes, this can still create stress in our lives. It is even more stressful when we are undergoing changes in different areas of your life. Although some stress can be positive (challenges us), too much stress over a long period of time can create chaos in our lives. Learning how to manage stress is helpful to maintain our health on a long term basis. Part of managing stress is being aware of your thoughts and feelings in regards to any particular situation.
Law of Attraction states that what you focus on expands. We attract in our lives whatever we are focusing on. So if we are undergoing changes and we are having a lot of fear about the “unknown”, we are more likely to attract to our lives situations/people that are going to continue perpetuating that fear. If you stay focused on all the things that can go wrong and stay in that worried/fearful state, the chances of attracting it into your life increases. I know it’s easy to fall into that trap of fear. After all, we see the messages of fear all around us in the media and our society. But, fear not!
We are powerful creators! We can choose our thoughts at any time. We can also release our feelings of fear any time. The more you become aware of your thoughts and feelings, then you know where you’re at. Practice awareness in your day to day life without judging your thoughts and feelings. Once you become aware of the patterns of your thinking, then you can direct your thoughts in a different way. You can take charge of your thoughts, rather than leaving them on auto-pilot.
In this article, I will more specifically talk about three things you can do to shift your thoughts and feelings when life is upside down. Here we go!
The first step is to find thoughts that bring you relief. If, for example, you’re afraid of possibly losing your job, you can shift your thoughts to, “I don’t know what will happen in the future, but right now I’m ok. I’m working today. I can’t control what will happen, but I can focus on what I’m doing today. Today everything is going well. I will focus on getting my work done today. I don’t need to have it all figured out. I can just focus on what I need to do today. Things have a way of working out at the end. Even if I lost my job, I can find another one. I can probably find a better paying job. I can figure this out. It will be ok.” Keep directing your thoughts until you find ones that give you relief.
Most of us focus on the things we don’t want to happen. It’s so much easier to identify what we don’t like, what gets us mad, etc. Pivoting helps you shift your perspective from the negative to the positive. It helps you think about what you would like instead. Remember, by focusing on what you want out of life, the Universe will respond with people/situations that give you more of
that. So whenever you find yourself identifying what you DON’T want, shift your focus, “Ok. I know what I don’t want. What do I want instead?” In the example of the fear of losing your job, you could say something like, “It would be so nice if my supervisor would come to my cubicle and acknowledge the hard work that I’ve been doing. It feels so good to feel valued and appreciated. It would be even better if she decided to give me a raise because of the outstanding job I’ve been doing!” You see my point? Directing your thoughts to what you want helps you feel better (so you’re raising your vibration) so that you can attract more of the same into your life.
When we are not being intentional about our thoughts and emotions, it may seem we are attracting “random” things into our lives. Why wait for this to happen? If everything is changing around you, might as well be intentional about how you want things to go. Rather than living your life in reaction-mode, you can be a co-creator with the Universe. The 68 second process is a great process to use in these instances. When you focus for 68 seconds purely on what you want (as If you’re going through it in this moment), this starts the process of manifestation. So, just start the timer, and for 68 seconds talk as if it’s happening right now. Bask in the feeling of it (contentment, joy, etc). What I love about this process is that it only takes 68 seconds to do. This is an easy process to fit in through your day.
We all go through changes in our lives. And although there can be a little stress, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The more you practice slowing down, taking a few deep breaths and practicing these techniques, you’ll create more of a life you love! You are already creating things in your life, some intentional and other things are unintentional. Let’s work on being more intentional about how we want to live our lives rather than reacting to chaos. The cool thing is that the past doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to do right now. Be intentional in this moment!