Everything Attraction

She Manifested Her Dream Body Using The Law Of Attraction

“I finally decided to stop identifying as fat and saw myself as progressing and healthy! Change your mindset and change your world!!”

We are all on our journey of attracting things into our lives, whether we know it or not. But, of course, it is more fun to consciously see the process of manifestation. Need some motivation to keep consciously attracting? Or maybe you’re looking for proof that the law of attraction is real? There are tons of incredible manifestation stories, but how about a law of attraction weight loss story? Today’s story is about a wonderful creator by the name of Rachel.

Before Manifestation Journey

“I always considered myself to be a really happy person. I was kind, had lots of friends, and I thought I had everything I needed. I didn’t realize that even though I had all of these things I wasn’t truly happy.”

I know many of us have been or currently here. We think we are happy and suppress all negative feelings while, unconsciously, letting it brew.

“I looked in the mirror and was miserable, I covered my face with makeup and wore really nice clothes that I didn’t feel comfortable in and I never dated because deep down I was convinced no one could be attracted to someone like me. All of this was hiding under the surface of who I thought I was.”

This is what self-sabotage looks like. Have you ever felt this way? Wanted one thing and noticing the opposite to be true? And then speaking negatively about it? One thing that needs to be realized is that “you can’t get there from there,” meaning, you can’t get what you want by thinking negatively of your present.

Contrasting Moment

So what is a contrasting moment? These are moments that are not pleasurable. Most of the times we don’t know what we want until there is a contrast that helps us decide what we do want. You know what you do want when you know what you don’t want. An example would be if you were getting ice cream and the server asked if you want caramel drizzle on it. You don’t know if you’d like it or not. You take a chance because you’ve never tried it. You then realize you don’t like caramel. That is a contrasting experience or moment. Next time you know you want it without caramel. (This is how I found out I don’t like caramel.)

This was Rachel’s contrasting moment:

“I had been rejected by a guy I really liked and he turned around and started dating a girl who looked exactly like me but skinnier. I went into this deep hole of self-loathing, until I went on a trip to Hawaii and found so much freedom in getting away. I looked in the mirror with no makeup and decided then that I would never say I’m ugly again. That was the first time I did that. I didn’t know it was LOA at the time but I started to get more attention from boys and felt better about myself.”

This may have been an unpleasurable experience for her, but in the end she as able to see her value and worth. Of course, not all manifestations have to start with a contrasting experience, you can notice or try something and realize that you like it. Like when you see a nice car drive by and think to yourself “that’s a nice car. I’d like a car like that.” That’s not a contrasting moment, but you’ve become aware that that is something that you want.

“Two years ago I moved to Vermont and I started learning about spirituality through Rudolf Steiner in the community I lived in and I became focused on the idea that we become who we say we are. I stopped identifying as the “funny fat friend” and started choosing other things I should identify as. I chose that I was healthy, hot, and beautiful along with other things I wanted to work on. I told myself these things daily when I looked in the mirror. A few months later my clothes started to get loose and I felt really good. I lost 40lbs in that first year. From there I became more intentional and got involved with the LOA community through Leeor Alexandra’s channel and started testing some new techniques I found I really like scripting, and gratitude journaling.”

Manifestation Processes

There are multiple manifesting tools that can be used. Some work better than others. It all depends on the person. For Rachel, she used “acting as if, affirmations, and scripting.” The “Acting as if” process is a very popular technique. This technique is a little difficult at first because it is something that you don’t quite believe yet. But sometimes it is fun to be kids again and imagine that what if what you want is true. This is where the magic happens.

Once you start to act as if and imagine, or visualize, what you want is true, you start to see evidence of your thinking in your life. Like a child that is always pretending to be a dinosaur, actually becomes a dinosaur for Halloween.

“In the beginning, I was so focused on feeling good and loving myself that I began to notice that all of the things I was saying were coming true. Once I truly tapped into this, it is when my other methods such as scripting or even visualization started to work even faster.”

“There were definitely days where I didn’t feel like I was who I was telling myself I was. I would look to outside sources to validate myself in these times. But something I do is I remind myself that being stuck in this reality isn’t going to push me into the space I want to be in. I would imagine myself feeling amazing and doing things I didn’t think was possible before.”

Manifestation Length

Not everybody’s manifestation speed would be the same. It may be faster for one person to get what they want than another person. But it all depends on the individual and their emotions.

“At first I lost 30 lbs in the first couple of months, but I experienced a lot of setbacks due to a couple of family deaths and dealing with some personal issues I wasn’t ready to face yet. So it slowed down for about a year and I managed to get through these issues and since then, I have picked up speed again and lost another 30 fairly quickly in the past few months.”

Rachel’s Advice

“The best piece of advice I could give is that you are who you say you are. I am focusing more on finances right now and telling myself that I am rich and abundant every day. Also, be kind to yourself because how do you expect the universe to show you love if you can’t love yourself.”

Learn to love yourself. If you are looking at your current situation and you don’t feel good about it, that is because your Source/ Higher Self/ God/ Universe/ etc. does not agree with what you are thinking. Let your emotions be your compass. If you feel bad, you are going in the wrong direction of where you want to be. If you feel good, you are going in the right direction. Everything in this world is energy and vibration. Everything you want is in vibrational form. You already have it. It’s there. Your only job is to let go and have fun in this lifetime.

Everything you want is already here.

Law of Attraction Manifestation Calendar 2019

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