Everything Attraction

You Were Born For A Reason

The chances of you being born are about 1 in 400 trillion! Yes, you read that right.

Being born is like winning the lottery.

That is incredible, near impossible. You are here, you are alive, you are a miracle. Just let that sink in for a moment.

Life can be heavy sometimes, and it can be easy to get too involved in our negative thinking habits and dwell on money, your job and the things that are going wrong. When this happens to me, I always take a few minutes to just sit and close my eyes and think deeply about life. It sounds strange but stay with me here. When you really appreciate how impossible it was for you to be born, it makes you appreciate the life you have right now. No matter what is going on externally and internally, you are blessed because you are alive. Sometimes when we sit with ourselves and just be, we realise the important things in life and what matters most. Family, love, happiness, adventure, laughter, bliss and prosperity.

You woke up this morning for a reason, you’re still here for a reason. Be happy, be grateful, life has so much to give you. When we really think about life, we were not put here to stress and worry and spend all our time at a job we don’t enjoy. We are here to make a difference. We are here to experience “life” as a journey, to enjoy things that make us happy, fall in love and all the other amazing things life has to offer. We get to experience all of this through our physical being form. That’s pretty incredible right?

I always remind myself about this when I’m having a particularly anxious day or feeling down. I am alive and healthy, and I can move my arms and I can walk, and I can see the beautiful sky and at the end of the day that is what really matters. Not how much money I have or how big my house is or how many friends I have. The simple things in life, truly are miracles, as are we. I have an abundance of love that surrounds me and supports me, I have water to drink and food to eat that is delicious! I am rich in happiness and laughter. I have a cosy home and bed to sleep in. We are more blessed and abundant than we even realise.

I truly believe we all have a purpose. There is something that only us an individual can do, and it will impact the world whether we see it now or not. I believe we all have a certain route we are meant to go down, a certain job we were meant to have. Now we don’t know for sure what our purpose is, there is no handbook or letter we got given when we were born that tells us. The whole point is to go on the journey itself and find out! It could be anything, just something that when you wake up you get so excited for and you know within your heart this is what you were meant to be doing. This is how you are going to impact the world and set your legacy as a human being. We sometimes spend too much time worrying about what our purpose is or asking for guidance, but we can never go wrong if we follow our heart and spirit. Let your heart lead the way and take it from there. Your hobbies are usually a clear indicator as to what sets your soul on fire and what you make time for in your life. For me personally it’s spiritual healing, yoga classes, reading, writing, sitting in nature and inspiring others to live their lives and reach their full potential of who they are as a person.

Don’t for one second ever think that your life is a waste, or you don’t matter because that is far from the truth. You were born a miracle and you matter on this earth whether you realise that or not. Everything you do is impacting the world around you and your future. I hope from reading this article, you truly understand how near impossible it was for you to be born and if that isn’t a miracle and something to live for, I don’t know what is.

If you are looking for a sign… this is your sign. You are reading this; you are alive and breathing! Now go enjoy your life and experience everything this world has to offer you. I am routing for you and I believe in you!

Believe in your dreams. They were given to you for a reason

Katarina Mayer
Law of Attraction Manifestation Calendar 2019

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