Everything Attraction

The Law Of Attraction Is A Journey, Not A Destination

And how it has changed my life

The Law of Attraction has changed my life. And I’ll tell you why. For me, Law of Attraction isn’t just about visualising your desire and practicing many different methods to manifest it. Yes, that is a part of it – and believe me, when your manifestations come to fruition, it is incredible and uplifting. For me though, Law of Attraction is now a mind-set, a new way of life.

I have always believed there is a higher being, something out there that is working with us. I just wasn’t sure what it was. I suffer with mental health – I get depressed sometimes for no reason at all and find myself sitting alone with a big black cloud over my head, not letting me escape, trapping me in this state of gloom, despair and fear. Sometimes there is reasoning behind my gloom, despair and fear, and sometimes, I just wake up with it and it is nearly impossible to shift.

About 18 months ago, I heard a YouTuber talk about the Law of Attraction – horoscopes, star signs, the universe – and me being a dedicated daily horoscope checker decided to type the words “what is the Law of Attraction?” into Google.

Suddenly, I felt I had been let in on a secret. That is the only way I can describe it. The Law of Attraction has been around for years and years – yet, I had never heard anyone I know talk about it. I felt a sense of excitement to learn about something that felt like a secret world. Suddenly, I felt there was hope – could I practice the Law of Attraction to improve my mental health? Was that a thing? Was I being stupid?

So, from that day, I decided I would continue to learn and educate myself. This process helped me manage my depression, as it would be something I enjoyed and looked forward to – I enjoy reading and watching people’s manifestation stories, their journey and advice.

So, I’m not saying by any means that the Law of Attraction is the medicine to mental health. It is merely a coping mechanism and is something which gives me hope and belief that the Universe has my back.

Learning how to manifest and actually manifesting desires is the ultimate goal – but like the saying goes “happiness is a journey, not a destination” and that is so true. I mean, don’t get me wrong, manifesting something is incredible, but I appreciate the journey just as much. It teaches me to be grateful, it teaches me to feel abundance, it teaches me to feel gratitude – extremely important mechanisms that cannot be overlooked. It is often these mechanisms that bring us the most joy in the long run.

Practicing the Law of Attraction is simply that. I don’t believe I have yet “mastered” it or can flip a mental switch to turn the Law of Attraction on (side note: the Law of Attraction is always working – whether you’re in a positive frame of mind or negative – more on this later). I like the fact that I haven’t yet “mastered” it. It makes me excited that there is still so much more to learn, so much more to yield from it, and this will only improve me mentally and physically in the process.

Now, a quick side note, like I mentioned above – the Law of Attraction is always working. There is no switch to flip on or off. This is so often forgotten, and hands up – I forget too! Whenever I’m stressed at work, stressed with my health, stressed with life in general, I often find that these negative thought patterns manifest – why? Because the Law of Attraction is in the background. It doesn’t recognise positive or negative thoughts it just recognises and responds to thoughts and energies in general.

So – hands up if you have been in the situation where you’re thinking “nothing is going right” and then BAM, something else goes wrong? OK – let’s switch it up a bit. Who’s been in the situation where you’re thinking “wow, today was actually really good” or “I can’t believe that happened today, that was amazing” and then BAM, something else amazing happens?

That is all down to the Law of Attraction, my friends. I repeat – the Law of Attraction recognises and responds to thoughts and energies. If you’re sitting there thinking “I don’t want [insert situation here] to happen, I don’t!” – the Law of Attraction simply picks up on your energy and manifests it. So, bear this in mind for when you’re next feeling negative. Of course, where mental health is concerned, this is a different story. You must seek medical help and hopefully you feel like this fantastic platform is a place where you can speak to others who are likeminded and feel supported (feel free to get in touch with me if you want – I’m always happy to chat as I know how it can feel, and it’s a struggle, but you will get through it).

Law of Attraction for me has been a game changer – of course, where my mental health is concerned it’s something, I use to aid in my day to day management of it. It isn’t a “cure”. My main message for this article (and my first article on this website!) is to just bear with it. Keep practicing, keep educating yourself, keep learning and above all else – enjoy the process.

For me, it really has been something I have found to change my life and I feel very passionately about it for that reason. It gave me hope when I felt at my lowest, and for that, I’m forever grateful to the Law of Attraction – whether that be a God, the universe, a higher being, my guardian angels – whoever it is…thank you.

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