Everything Attraction

What Is It You Really Want?

If I asked you this question, would you be able to give me an answer, or would your answer simply be “I don’t know.” Such a meaningful question, yet we often can make this either the most complex question or the simplest question of our lives. It’s up to us to choose.

When we were young we played make believe. We would play dress up, hide ‘n seek, let’s pretend and choose what we wanted to be when we grew up. Next, we switched to becoming fans, whether it be of sports players or music, have crushes on movie stars or people we met. We developed role models and again changed what we wanted to become when we grew up. Some of us were supported and some of us were not and somewhere along the way, we lost sight of our true selves.

Our lists became conformed to the adults who began shaping our lives and grew to look something like this:

  • Go to college
  • Graduate
  • Get a good job
  • Get married
  • Buy a house
  • Have kids

We lived these lives day in and day out, until one day we woke up and realized that we had lost our identities, we had grown old and some of us began to live vicariously through our children. We realized we had lost time and our dreams.

Then one year the movie and book The Secret came out. It captured us with all its’ promises, secrets and speakers who we honored and held onto as role models. For we had watched them rise from the ashes of nothingness and rising from struggles to success. It was the new phenomenon and we made it our mission to make it work for us too! Personally, I got really good at knowing what I didn’t want, and all my lists were comprised of these things.

What I grew to later realize was that I was doing myself a disservice and I kept searching for the missing pieces. Why wasn’t this working for me as well? Hundreds of dollars later, I was still chasing the dream. (Side note: Order from Clickbank, as it is easy to get a refund.) So, I rewrote my list with things like become debt free, get a nice house, etc. Again, I remained uneducated. All the Universe heard was debt and it gave me more.

Next, I tried asking for money. That’s it, number one on my list. One day I opened my car door and found a quarter on the ground. Yes, the Universe has jokes! Next on my list was the Love of a Male Companion. I got a Yorkshire Terrier whom I love dearly.

Again, I had to open up my search. I received so much information about methods that were sure to bring about abundance, like the 5 x 55 Method and affirmations. All I got was a sore hand and a headache. When I questioned the gurus why it didn’t work for me, I was told I had blocks, among other things. What it boiled down to was I equated abundance with money and that just wasn’t it. Then I stumbled across “be clear on what you want”. Yet I still struggled.

I bought more books, joined Facebook groups and still wasn’t getting results. I asked, I prayed, I begged, and I pleaded and still nothing. I tried scripting my perfect day, put a pair of sexy legs on my Vision Board and was scammed out of my savings by various boyfriends who professed to ‘love me’ and even propose.

Again, I set out on a journey. Then I got breast cancer. So, I make two Bucket Lists: the long version and the shorter version just in case. And do you know what? I finally got it. We have to search deep inside and find our truth and the little people we were inside, the ballerinas or astronauts we wanted to be when we were little. We need to take a second look at those things and see what we can pull from there that we can still enjoy like dancing or astronomy. Just simply search for those lost happy feelings.

Examine your list again, but this time elaborate. Set your intention but ask only once. The answer will come with leading signs, synchronicities or all at once. Be joyful! Be grateful! Do your part! But above all be patient! And thank the Universe in advance for the blessings you are about to receive.


  • Make two Bucket Lists – a long one and a shorter version
  • Check out Noah St. John’s Afformations – an interesting twist on affirmations
  • Do not share your list with naysayers
  • Ask once and BELIEVE it is already yours
  • Rediscover your HAPPY
  • Make a Gratitude List starting with 5 items and adding to it each day
  • Practice positivity
  • Use only positive language
  • Listen to the chorus of the Spice Girls song Wannabe
  • Pick one thing that you REALLY WANT and put your FOCUS there

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