Everything Attraction

How To Master The Law Of Attraction

“See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don’t fret and worry about them. Don’t think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.”

Robert Collier

The ultimate goal is to master the law of attraction and get so good at it that you have complete control of your life, consciously. We are constantly manifesting things or situations into our lives whether we know it or not. Have a look around you and you can see what it is that you are attracting into your life. No one really wants to intentionally attract bad into their lives but if you look around and what you are seeing is bad things then you must work on changing your subconscious mind otherwise the bad situations will keep on coming.

When we talk about learning how to master the law of attraction it is really done in such a way that we can control it and not have unwanted situations come into our life.

4 Tips on how to master the law of attraction.

Step 1: Focus on the big picture

At the end of the day, the bigger picture is to just live your best life and to be happy. The reason why this is important is because we have a lot of subconscious programming that is limiting, and fear based. When we have a fear, we often try to create something that will put our mind at ease. What we create based on this fear is then not necessarily what we really want or need in our lives and will ultimately not get us to the bigger picture in life and not bring us true happiness.

An example can be that you want social approval from the people around you. The thing is though that not everybody will give you their approval, so you are effectively wasting your time and stressing about something that really brings no value to your life. When you find yourself searching for things that bring no value to your life you need to remind yourself of your end goal and that you are searing for happiness.

Step 2: Focus on how you feel.

You have learnt that to manifest successfully you have to be on a high vibration and when you are on a high vibration you feel good and you are happy. Some days you are not having the best day and you are not feeling great and you don’t really know why, and you then assume that you are messing with your vibration. You must remember that your emotions are vibrational guidance and when you are having a bad emotion it is trying to show you that you are not moving in the direction of your happiest life. Listen to your emotions and follow the ones that feel good and turn away from the direction of the ones that make you feel bad.

Step 3: Rewiring the conscious mind

The way you act, and your personality is a reflection of what is going on in your subconscious mind. It is hard to change the belief system that the subconscious mind has because the belief system is created by the recurring thoughts in the conscious mind. When you want to change the belief you have, it could be that you never have enough money or that no one likes you and that is why you don’t have friends, whatever it may be, one of the easiest ways to change it is by changing the conscious thoughts you are having about it. You have to start saying that you can afford anything, and you have lots of friends and you have to keep repeating these thoughts consciously and by using repetition of the same thought. This will then influence your subconscious mind and you will start to see your life change.

Step 4: How to master the law of attraction

The universe wants you to have whatever it is that you want good or bad. That is why it is so important that you choose your thoughts wisely so that you attract the things you really want into your life and not the bad things that will hold you back from living your best life. Try and get as many strategies that you can use in your everyday life so that you are constantly working on manifesting the things or situations you want. May it be scripting, visualising, or any method you have come across that works. This way you are always keeping things fresh and you won’t get bored of using the same strategy over and over. You don’t want to lose inspiration when trying to manifest because you need to have the emotion to get what you want.

The law of attraction is different for everyone and some people might find something that works for them and not for others it is really based on how you feel towards that method. You can live your best life; you just have to choose to do so. Get up every day and go and stand in the mirror and ask yourself. “Is the life I am living at the moment what I really want?” If you say no, then change it.

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