Everything Attraction

Healing Your Body With Your Mind

If you have not yet seen the documentary ‘Heal’ on Netflix, I urge you to watch it immediately because you will be amazed and inspired by your own body. It talks about the science and evidence that our minds can heal our bodies of anything – disease, chronic illness, mental illness. The list goes on. They have real-life stories of people who cured themselves of stage 4 cancer and skin conditions by using their healing power and mind.

This documentary appeared in my life at the exact moment I needed it to. I had previously been in the hospital with unexplainable palpitations and sinus tachycardia (fast heart rate) episodes. When I was home from the hospital I kept praying for guidance. I spoke to The Universe before I went to sleep and said there must be something I can do. I know it’s nothing serious, but I can’t keep going through the stress and anxiety of this and it was sparking up health anxiety and my anxiety (GAD) even more than usual. Once I watched this film, everything changed in the most incredible way.

I cried after watching it. Actually… I cried when it began and probably during it. I thought right if people are out their curing cancer with self-healing and chronic conditions, I am 100% sure I can cure whatever went on with my heart in hospital. I was set on healing myself. I knew there wasn’t really much doctors could do as in this period we were just waiting for test results and because they couldn’t find anything in the hospital and every test done there was perfect and healthy everyone was a little bit confused.

90% of chronic illnesses, mental illnesses and things we go to the doctors about are stress related. The root cause of most health-related problems is stress and I found that astonishing. I knew that stress was bad for the body but having chronic anxiety for so many years I was oblivious to what it was doing to my body each day. I didn’t make the connection until I learned the science and evidence behind it. Even diseases that doctors say are ‘genetic’ are caused by stress and not genetics itself, which is life changing. It made me realise if most illness and dis-ease is root caused by stress then surely that means ultimately, we can control illness and dis-ease our self? To put it in simple terms… YES! That’s exactly it.

I’m not going to go into too much detail in the science of it all because frankly, I am not a neurologist or qualified scientist to be talking about the ins and out but this is mostly the information I gathered from the film and things I have learned about the mind and body connection through books and the internet.

It makes sense that we can heal ourselves. If you scratch your knee or get a cut on your arm you have no doubt in your mind that it will heal. You know it will bruise and eventually get better and heal itself. That is concrete proof right there that your body knows what it’s doing. It is constantly looking after you and healing you. Cuts, bruises, coughs and colds. We just don’t have enough faith that it can heal our internal organs. There is now scientific evidence that all our internal organs can heal and regenerate by themselves. Our bodies are incredibly powerful, we have no idea.
I started thinking right, my body is capable of healing itself because throughout my life I have had probably a million cuts and scratches and it’s healed them so there is my evidence and now I need to shift that to my internal organs as well. I thought of my internal healing power like a muscle that needed to be used every single day to get stronger and stronger. I realised our internal organs just need encouragement. We don’t believe in them or have faith so why would they heal when our mind is telling them it can’t?

I started by encouraging my heart to heal, talking to it and telling it how much I believe in it and how much power it holds to heal itself. I was like its cheerleader. It needed someone to believe in it so it could get stronger and motivated and unleash that healing power, so I cheered it on and made it a daily habit – multiple times a day. The key is you are truly believing in your heart and having faith it does not need external interference, it only needs your belief which I’ve come to learn is the most powerful thing in terms of healing oneself.
I’m learning to view my body in a different way. Instead of thinking it’s against me, I now know we are a team and it’s constantly working for me and keeping me alive so the least I can do is have faith and belief in its abilities.

I am over 4 months into my new life as I like to say. The true version of myself I was meant to become. I reflect now and realise the hospital situation in February was meant to happen, it was a wake-up call, it was The Universe saying Ellie this is the next level in life, things are going to change for the better after this hurdle. If I hadn’t been to the hospital I wouldn’t have found Heal or been so interested in healing myself. I am healing my heart now then my anxiety and panic disorder then OCD and finally IBS. I believe it is possible and that is the biggest part – faith. Throughout my healing journey so far, I was thinking of nothing else except my focus on healing and ultimate health. My OCD did not act up and I did not feel anxious at all.

I want to disclaim that I am by no means completely healed but I am well on my way. My aim is to bring awareness to this incredible documentary and encourage people to heal themselves by using their own mind. I am by no means ‘perfect’ or have everything together. I am still taking my medication for anxiety that I have been on since I was a child and I still am awaiting results about my heart but on the side instead of worrying and stressing I am healing my body and bringing light to any stress or unresolved emotional issues that may have bubbled up throughout the years and caused some dis-ease within my body. This is a journey and I am focusing on one day at a time which is unlike the old me. I am filling my time with books about the mind and body and spiritual healing and consciously being aware of my mind and retraining it to do the exact opposite of what I’ve done my entire life. They say in the film that a healthy, positive attitude is scientifically proven to make your mind believe you will heal and therefore you do because subconsciously you truly believe it.

I could go on forever about this topic because since watching the film I have been so intrigued by the mind itself and the connection between mind, body and spirit. I even enrolled myself on a course to study it because I really want to learn the science behind it, and I think I have found my calling in going down this route of self-healing and studying the mind and body. I will update you on how this course goes but if all is well then when it finishes, I will have a diploma in healing which is pretty cool.

There are so many things I could talk about, including spiritual healing and the placebo effect. All of which is mentioned in the film and books and I am pretty sure they do a better job than me of describing the science and studies behind it.

I wanted to make this post to really encourage and inspire you to take a leap and have faith in yourself and your body. Whether you believe or follow the law of attraction or are spiritual or not, you have the ability to heal yourself from anything which in my opinion is an incredible gift and we all embrace it whether we chose to believe in it or not it’s there and it’s constantly healing us.

I hope you feel even a tiny bit intrigued by the idea that your mind can heal your body and if the only thing you take away from this post is to watch Heal then I could not ask for more.

The soul usually knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.”

Disclaimer: all the information and stats I used in this post was from the Netflix documentary ‘Heal’ and the book ‘Your Mind Can Heal Your Body’ by David R. Hamilton.

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