Everything Attraction

The Best Methods To Help You Raise Your Vibration

We live in a vibrational universe, therefore everything that is surrounding us in our life is a vibrational match aligned with our frequency.

If you are facing a challenge in any area of your life the answer lies in changing your dominant vibration and matching your frequency with the vibration of the solution. Let me put it in simpler words a challenge is always on a low vibration and the solution is always on a higher vibration.

Yes, we do attract everything in our life good and bad and the bad things are not here to punish us but they are a chance given to us, so we can learn and expand.

Life is not what is happening to us but how we react to what is happening.

There are a lot of methods for changing one’s vibration, here I will mention the basic ones that you need to practice in order to become a more deliberate creator and to tune yourself into higher vibrating frequencies.


First and foremost, if you want to change your dominant vibration you need to become conscious of your blessings, develop an attitude of gratitude. Focusing on what you have rather on what is missing is a habit that needs practicing. I can recommend something that helped me personally becoming a more grateful person.

It started when I came across the book “Magic” by Rhonda Byrne, which I warmly recommend. In this book Rhonda recommends exercises that one should do daily in the period of 28 days. Every morning you should think of 10 things that you are grateful for and write them down in your gratitude journal and when the day is over just before you go to sleep think of the thing that happened during your day which you are most grateful for.

The idea is to start and finish your day with gratitude. I can say if you have been a person that has focused on the lack rather than the abundant side of life developing this new habit will be hard at first but that’s why you need to be consistent. I for one started this journey with the help of this book and continued to write in my journal every single day for the rest of the year. I called it 365 days of happiness project.

“If the only prayer we ever say in our lives is “Thank You” that will be enough.”

Meister Eckhart1


Gratitude is very important for becoming a more happier person but if you want to know yourself, your flaws and virtues and getting answers to questions you didn’t even know existed, meditation is the tool to use. Meditation is relaxation. It’s not about focusing one’s thoughts on one thing, but instead on becoming thoughtless and being present in the moment.

A person’s mind is in a constant state of chatter, always creating scenarios what should have been or replaying what was, it never allows us to be present in the now. We get so lost in our thoughts that sometimes we don’t even recall how did we got from point A to point B while driving or walking. Sometimes we even don’t respond when someone is calling out our name and they are right next to us.

Calming the “Monkey Mind”

The Buddhist Monks used the term “Monkey Mind” a term that refers to the part of your brain most connected to the ego, which contends that you can’t do anything right. It’s also the part of you that prevents you from moving forward with your passions. We all have it. The first thing to do to calm your monkey mind is becoming mindful and live in the moment, which we can accomplish with meditation.

Abraham Hicks recommends meditating every day for 15 to 20 minutes. You can lie down or sit in a comfortable chair wearing comfortable clothes, closing your eyes, breathing deeply while counting your breaths and relaxing the entire body. Every time your monkey mind shows up you can gently observe your thoughts and let them go and come back to counting your breaths. If you are just starting to meditate than guided meditations are maybe more suited for you. You Tube is full of channels that provide guided meditations. My personal favourite channel is “The Honest Guys”.

There are a lot of benefits that meditation gives such as: a calm mind, good concentration, better clarity, improved communication, relaxation, rejuvenation of the mind and body and also many health benefits it reduces stress, improves immune health and cardiovascular health etc. Meditation gives us so much and it only requires few minutes of your day.

A prayer is about asking what you want while meditation is about getting answers and what you need.


Affirmations are positive statements that help you overcome negative thoughts and self-sabotage and the power of affirmations lies in repeating them frequently. Although if you merely repeat those sentences without activating emotion they will not help you change the beliefs that are not serving you, and belief is a thought you keep repeating.

We affirm all the time but sadly not in positive context. Since a very young age people have led us to believe that in order to be accepted we need to act a certain way. In those fragile years outer words became our inner voice, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not smart”, “Why am I not more like x?”. You get the picture. This was not done intentionally by our parents, teachers or any other authoritative person while growing up, they didn’t know better. But now since we do know better our job is to embrace forgiveness and repeat as many times possible throughout the day positive statements that will undermine the ones we have been taught to repeat.

Affirmations along with emotion can do wonders.

Always use affirmations in present tense and generate the feeling of gratitude as if you already have or are the thing you aspire to have or be. Sometimes is hard to believe in positive statements if there is a big gap from where you stand at the moment and where you want to be. Exp. If you are overweight, instead of saying “I am fit.” it is more believable to affirm “I am getting fitter every day.”

Noah St. John, author of The Secret Code of Success, has created The Afformations Method. He maintains that the subconscious mind responds to questions instead of conscious statements.

Using this method, instead of saying, “I’m loved.” you need to say, “Why am I loved?” And your mind automatically begins to search for an answer to your question.

Afformations are a specific form of empowering that start with the word Why. When you ask questions that assume that what you want is already true, you will activate that part of your brain that will seek to make it so. And that is what will unleash your hidden power to TAKE ACTION.”

Noah St. John

These are few methods that can help you raise your vibration and live a much more fulfilled life. The key is to practice them consistently on a daily basis. Because everything comes down to feeling good and these are basic tools which can help you achieve that.

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