Everything Attraction

MAN-ifest A Boyfriend While You Drive

Have you ever been in that place where you feel ready for a new relationship, but you can’t seem to find one? I am here to remind you about the technique, “ACT AS IF.” I was in that place and this worked for me. It took less than 48 hours of (inconsistent) “effort,” which was just my remembering to play a game I started in the car.

Here’s how you play:

Every time you are driving alone in the car, act as if your lover is with you. Extend your right arm and pretend you are holding his hand. Imagine that he fills up the space in the passenger seat. Make it real. Glance over there periodically and have a conversation with him about how happy you are in your relationship together. Practice telling your new love about your day, and then how grateful you are to have met him. Elaborate and feel good about it! Tell him everything you love about him. Play cheerful music that you enjoy and tell your beau about any happy memories you associate with those songs. Remember, manifesting is ALL ABOUT YOUR VIBE! The better you feel, the better you will feel, and so on until your desire appears! As you increase your good feelings, share them with your partner next to you in the car.

Define what you want and focus on it. What do you want in a relationship? Do you want a commitment? A fling? What is your desired result? Do you want to get married? Have children? Whatever you want, focus on it with joy IF it feels good! If it doesn’t feel good, think about something else that does and come back to this exercise later.

With your happy result in mind and loving feelings in your heart, talk to your boyfriend in the car about your future together. Speak to him about those vacations you want and tell him about the distant shores you long to explore with his hand in yours. Your voice is a powerful creation tool. Sound vibrates and lingers. Fill it with the vibrations of everything you really want to experience with a partner. What kind of home do you want? Do you want to have pets? What else do you want? Tell him about it. It’s safe to share. He’s not really there yet. Allow yourself to feel safe with this person you have created. He will be here before you know it!

Here’s a little practical advice for when he does show up.

  1. Accept him for who HE is, and don’t expect him to be the guy you created in the car. He may not be that guy just yet. Trust that the Universe is giving you what you need right now.
  2. Take it slow. Just because you have already discussed your ideal life plan with your imaginary boyfriend doesn’t mean the real guy has the script! Let it unfold. Let yourself be excited by the discovery of a new person and a new relationship.
  3. Break the mold. You may have complimented your car boyfriend on a certain set of attributes you want him to have and then you meet the person in the flesh who may appear completely opposite. The Universe knows exactly what match you need at what time. The real man may look different but have other talents that you didn’t even know how much you would appreciate! Allow yourself to be open to what appears on your path.

How it unfolded for me:

My Man-ifestation’s name was *Jimmy. Well, he preferred James, but he let me call him Jimmy. I met him in the summer of 2011 a couple days after I had a reunion with a friend who had recently married a man named- can you guess? Jimmy! I asked her how married life was treating her, and she gushed about how it was better than she thought it would ever be. She said that she wasn’t expecting life to be much different since they had already lived together for a couple of years, but that it was, and in a great way! I was very excited for her and wanted to feel like she did. I remember exclaiming aloud, “I want a Jimmy!” I felt a WHOOSH go out of me. The Universe likes a strong request and I felt it come forth at the time! The party I saw her at was on a Friday. I drove home that night feeling high on the prospect of a Jimmy in my life, and the next day I played the game in the car. I made a list of positive aspects about meeting someone new and wrote it down that night. That Sunday was the 4th of July, and I went to another party where I met my very own Jimmy!! He introduced himself as James and I laughed in delight and immediately asked if I could call him Jimmy. He laughed and agreed. We dated for the rest of the summer and dabbled here and there for a couple of years after. Jimmy wasn’t meant to be my husband, but we had fun together and experienced love and passion.

I’m grateful that Jimmy was what he was at the time, and that the Universe knew what I really needed, because now I am engaged to a wonderful man who fits me better than I ever imagined anyone could! It’s been over three years of love and dedication already and we are excited for a lifetime of love ahead! So, don’t force the timing, it will come when the Universe knows you both are ready. Until then, enjoy the Jimmy’s you find along the way!

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