Everything Attraction

How can manifest weight loss with the Law of Attraction?

Your Question:

Sandra: “I’ve always had issues with my weight. I’d like to lose the Law of Attraction to get the slim body I desire. How can I do this? There’s so much information on the internet which is overwhelming but I know how I want it to happen: There are some people who say, they’ve manifested their ideal body without diet or trying too hard, just by the Law of Attraction. My question is: What kind of thoughts do I have to change or what do I have to change in my mind to get results? Because everytime when I look in the mirror, I really don’t like what I am seeing and it is hard for me to “act as if” when I have to look in the mirror every day.”

Our Answer:

Hi Sandra! Literally EVERYTHING is responding to your vibration. If you think a food is bad for you, you’re right! If you think a food is good for you, right again! The food is not the issue, your beliefs about it and your vibration are! Your cells are literally eavesdropping on your thoughts so it matters not WHAT you eat but how you FEEL when you eat it! So if you desire a thin body but do not see that when you look in the mirror, your ONLY job is to ignore reality long enough for it to change! If looking in the mirror feels bad, find one thing you do love and focus there! It could be your eye lashes, it doesn’t matter, just find something to love about you! As you focus on what you love, more and more things you love will come to you! If thinking about your weight feels bad, you can stay off this topic completely or go very general with your thoughts. Things like, “I may not be at my desired weight but I know it’s coming. I am getting better and better about catching my negative thoughts and soon my body will reflect that.” If you don’t believe these thoughts, go more general with thoughts like “all is really well with me and things are working out perfectly. I’m doing really well with this and figuring it out as I go.” You cannot get too general with your thoughts! You want to find thoughts to pivot to to replace the negative thoughts you’ve been thinking. You do not have to keep asking for your perfect body, the universe heard you the first time. Your only job is to feel good. If you can feel good on this topic, excellent! If you can’t, stay off of it or go very general. Another fun way to feel better is to appreciate your food! You can appreciate all the effort it took to put it on your plate! You can appreciate the farmer, animals, grocery store etc. As you raise your vibration in response to your thoughts of appreciation, you’ll release weight easily and effortlessly! Exercise if you feel inspired, eat when you’re feeling aligned and you’ll release the resistance around this topic which is the ONLY reason you’re not at your ideal weight!”

Tania Lopez-Cepero

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