Everything Attraction

Manifesting: Why Emotions Matter

You’ve set the intention, your desire of what you want to manifest. You’ve made those intentions clear, concise and detailed. You’ve journaled it, you have your vision board, you’ve imagined it, you’ve really felt what it’s like when your desired intention manifests in reality. But somehow, despite all of the actions taken, all of the daily affirmations, all of your firm believing that whatever you’re manifesting will come to be, nothing is happening. As you continue to wait for the universe to align, you grow anxious and stressed and wondering what you are doing wrong and you start obsessing over the details.

Manifesting is not as simple as thinking or saying “I want a new car” or “I want to win the lottery”, and then poof , a Mercedes appears in your driveway and you hit the Powerball. It’s also not as simple as just believing or wishing for something. Your intention requires action. And emotions play a key role in manifesting. When your emotions do not align with your actions, your intention cannot be aligned.

Your Emotional State

Your emotions manifest your reality. That is, your perspective of your reality is based on your emotions. If you’re an angry driver, you’ll create more reasons to be angry while you drive. You get cut-off more, there’s more traffic when you’re late to an appointment and when you get to where you’re going, there’s no parking. Or, the same can be said on the opposite end of the spectrum. If you are super excited and happy when you get a good parking spot, then somehow, everywhere you go, you get the good parking spot.

Your emotional state is just as important as all of the actions you’re taking to manifest your reality. In other words, your emotions must align with the action that you’ve taken. For example, if you’re trying to manifest a loving life partner but you feel lonely, frustrated and unworthy, then there is a disconnect between the way that you feel (your emotions) and what you desire, love and companionship. Aligning your emotion to your intention allows you to manifest your desire.

The Universe Gives You More of What You’re Feeling

One of the top things that people want to manifest is more money and abundance. Perhaps you are taking all of the actions that you need to take to manifest more money. You are learning a new job skill, you’re updating your resume and finding a new job, you’re setting up a vacation bank account to take the trip(s) of your dreams. You’re believing it will happen. You are visualizing the money in your bank account. You are journaling about your trip, what you’re going to do and the countries you’ll visit. You believe you’ll get more money, you imagine and feel what it will be like to have more money. But despite the efforts, something seems amiss.

A lot of people struggle with their relationship with money. And often, they live much of their lives in a scarcity mindset. We’ve often been conditioned to this scarcity mindset throughout our lives, both through society and culture and sometimes with our families. There is the feeling that there’s just not enough money to go around. Or, the fear that we are going to lose the money we have. We have to look at our relationship with money and recondition ourselves to see money in a different way. Money, just like everything else, is energy. It’s not good or bad, it just is. There’s no scarcity of energy. Energy is always there, it’s only transformed. If we are manifesting, then we are working with energy. Money is not scarce and will flow to you, but you have to change your emotions and conditioning surrounding money and how you view it.

If you are feeling that money is scarce, that there is just not enough to go around or even if you are feeling that you are not worthy of wealth and abundance, then trying to manifest wealth and abundance becomes more difficult. The universe gives you more of what you’re feeling. If you’re having issues with feelings of unworthiness, then some inner work needs to be done to deal with that and bring you more in line with your intention.

Start with Gratitude

When you are trying to manifest money and abundance, but you are struggling to pay your rent and provide food for your family, it’s very difficult to overcome scarcity-based thinking and the stress and anxiety that comes with it. It’s important to understand that happiness and contentment are intrinsic to your very nature. It’s internal and difficult to find at times, but it’s there. Nothing external can make you happy or content (like money, material things or even people). And nothing external can take this contentment from you (this topic is a whole other article in itself). How you react to external factors is how you find the contentment that already exists within you. This is definitely easier said than done. The way to start to unravel the twisted tangle of negative emotions is to start with gratitude.

Begin every day with gratitude. Even when things aren’t going well, find something to be grateful for, no matter how trivial. You can be grateful for waking up. You can be grateful for the sunshine. You can be grateful for the moon and stars. You can be grateful for good health. You can be grateful for your dog. You can be grateful for coffee. You can be grateful for having a home and a family or a partner. Despite your worries, find things to be grateful for every single day.

If you are stressed and anxious, take everything one day at a time, one moment at a time. Don’t worry about tomorrow, just think about right now. Celebrate even the tiniest milestones and be grateful for it. Focus on just the one thing that you need to do at this very moment. If you’re on a weight loss journey, and you ate a healthy breakfast, focus on that one accomplishment and be grateful that you achieved it! If your struggling financially, celebrate that you were able to put food on the table today. If you are anxious about finding love, celebrate yourself by showing yourself some love – get a massage, read a book, take a luxurious, candlelit bath. Do whatever you like to do for yourself and do it with love and gratitude .

If you are feeling lost, or are feeling a lot of negative emotions, no matter where you are in your journey, you can always start with gratitude. This simple act will help you begin to reset your emotions and better align them with the action that supports your intention.

Let it Go

A key element of manifesting is the “letting go.” Faith and trust is often the hardest part. You must let go of the control of the outcome and let God/Universe/Source take over. Not being able to let go and obsessing over the outcome is a cause for stress, anxiety, and frustration. You’re stressed out and anxious, so the universe brings you more reasons to feel stressed out and anxious and this will not align with your intention.

You always hear that people find love when they aren’t looking for it. When a person has finally stopped looking for the perfect partner and focused on what makes them personally happy and whole, the perfect partner shows up. They have “let go” of the intention, or desired outcome, of finding love. When they focus on love and are happy and in love with life, then they align with love and the universe brings more love.

Let go of the outcome, and trust that your path is being aligned perfectly. This is the point where you just have to flow with where the universe takes you. The outcome may not even look like what you initially asked for. You can be very specific on what you’re looking to manifest, but trust that the universe will bring you that which aligns to your highest good. Although things may not look exactly the way you envisioned it, it will work out even better than you could have possibly imagined when you trust and have faith and just let it go.

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