Everything Attraction

How To Keep The Momentum Of Manifestation

When you have been learning about the Law of Attraction for years on end, it seems like there is always something new to discover about this complex law. Right when you think, “Wow, I’ve totally got this down!” as you start to see things going your way, often you forget that you are always learning and there’s still more to know. Usually that’s when you have somehow hit a plateau or got yourself in a rut, without realizing it. So how do you keep the juices flowing? How do you keep attracting the good? Manifestation is a continual process and changing with each passing moment. It’s almost as though the LOA is like unfolding itself to you, layer after layer. Just when you come to the realization that you were able to accomplish your biggest goal or achieve your greatest desire, a new one takes its place.

Inspired Effort: The Basics

You may or may not have heard about it before, but it’s always best to do what feels best. If it doesn’t feel good or right, then don’t do it. Sounds simple, but how do you get inspired to do something if you just don’t feel it?

The answer is to do something else that makes you feel good and let that direct your next step. Sometimes doing nothing at all is even better. Doing nothing at all really is “letting go”. Usually some point soon after, you have released the resistance to that previous objective and it’s at that point you will become inspired again to make your next decision. Another name for this process is “going with the flow,” or making decisions based on how they make you feel. Get the vision: When water flows as a stream, it does so with no effort as gravity carries it with ease in its given direction.

Acknowledging Your Ability to Manifest

This is one of the best feelings in the world! Fulfilling a desire can give you that on cloud nine feeling. This is what some refer to as “being in the vortex”. You feel on top of the world, no one can stop you. You accomplished something, with or without effort. (It’s usually more exciting when little to no effort is involved.) You now have a new desire to take its place, eventually. How do you keep the good vibes going? For the longest time I felt like I could only keep this feel-good in-the-vortex thing going for maybe just a handful of hours or a couple of days at most. Why can’t I feel like this all the time? Resistance, of course. How do I train myself out of resistance? Going with the flow helps, a lot. When we find ourselves in a rut, like we have hit a plateau, there are some ways to help get you inspired again.

Reflect on Past Manifestations

Think about what you have manifested in the past. How did you do it? What things came into alignment to make it happen. Sometimes you forget how magical the universe can be. It really is true that the universe will shift things to make it happen for you. Believe it, see it, repeat. There are no coincidences in life. Even though you may not understand every single thing you go through, you can acknowledge that your vibration has led you to this point. It can be super fun to remember the times the universe had your back or gave you what you wanted.

My Personal Manifestation

For years I had dreamed of having another child. I love being a mom and wanted to have another pregnancy, birth experience, and a chance to raise another beautiful human into the world, and this time with my new partner. There was so much I yearned to experience again and in new ways. I chose to get off birth control and for 7 months my partner and I were unable to get pregnant. How was this so difficult for me? Resistance of all kinds, the culprit.

Finally, one month, we did get pregnant and although it was shocking that it was finally happening, I felt excited. I also felt a little off about it, in retrospect. I ignored that feeling & enjoyed the moments. That pregnancy did end and was extremely hard to accept that result. We did recover, found strength in our relationship, and much love for one another. I could not wait to try again and searched for hope that it would happen again soon.

I told myself over and over that this would be easy. I daydreamed about my baby girl. I knew she would be a girl and already picked out her name. I envisioned what she would look like and it made me feel good inside. I just knew she was meant to be mine and I knew she was on her way. In just two months, I was pregnant again. A beautiful, healthy baby was sent to me and I am getting this wonderful desire fulfilled as I am now a mother to another child.

Whenever I am feeling less than happy, I reflect on this miracle I was able to attract through the Law of Attraction. It’s just one of the many! I remember the feeling of seeing the positive pregnancy test and seeing baby on the first ultrasound. I was overjoyed! All those moments were so special.

When Reflecting, Write them Down

Life is pretty busy nowadays in this fast world we live, from career to family, friends, and community. Take time to slow down every once in a while, and jot down what you manifested this week. Big or small – funny, ironic, whatever they may be, it’s a good idea to write down what you have attracted. Notate the “how” behind it or the mystery if you have no explanation. This helps your brain to recognize that magical things can happen, and you can attract with ease once again. Stick to the good things and happy topics, so that you will add to some positive momentum to your vibrational escrow. By doing this task, you are allowing yourself to re-experience those feel-good feelings in order to once again recreate a similar experience or new positive ones.

Daydream, Meditate, Affirm your Openness

Being open to the “next chapter” frees your mind. When you are open to possibilities, you increase your awareness. You attract signs and symbols that are indications you are allowing your desire to manifest, in which it becomes easier to believe it’s on its way to you. Those experiences feel good, reassuring, and are the fun baby steps up to the grand finale.

Daydream – Envision the most random or unexpected way you could get what you wanted. Play it out in your head. Imagine how you would feel once you received what you wanted.

Meditate – Quiet your mind to recharge if you are feeling overwhelmed with too many thoughts at once.

Affirm – Affirm your openness to what comes next. Life is an adventure!

With these techniques, however often you practice them, you are bound to see positive change and continue to be the powerful creator that you are. You don’t have to stop once you see the results! There’s always more you can attract, and quickly. Keep the momentum going and you will have happiness beyond your wildest dreams.

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