Your Question:
Lena: “How can I manifest my Ex back? I was just
Our Answer:
“Anything is possible, with the power of the mind. If you imagine, feel and believe it – you can manifest anything into your reality!
Missing someone who has been part of your life is a natural feeling, even if they have cheated on you. Know that it’s ok to feel like this. But, also know your own worth.
Is this man, truly the man you desire? To deal with these emotions start by using affirmations to empower you through this current situation. Look in the mirror and say:
I Am Loyal
I Am Beautiful
I Am Kind
I Am Loving
I Am Enough
I Am Worthy!
Are you not Worthy of a man that will treat you with love, respect and is loyal towards you? Is this what your heart truly desires and yearns for? When a partner cheats, lies and is dis-loyal it can feel like your whole world comes crashing down.
Through no fault of your
own your vibration is automatically lowered because of the hurt, painand anger you feel. Again, that’s a natural feeling and response from anyone experiencing what you have. And, that’s ok.It’s also a natural response to want to go back to
him, because you still love him and that’s ok too. But, if you do go back will that create more obstacles, challengesand issues? Will you always beworrying what he is doing and where he is going? Looking over your shoulder or at his phone? Insecurity and fear of him doing it again can lower your vibrations, so what you want to manifest would counteract, because you’re not in tune with the rhythm of the Universe.To help your emotions and to attract a man you “truly” desire, you need to be vibrating on a higher frequency. To do this:- Surround yourself with friends, family
and environments that create happiness and joy. Those that make you smile and laugh. Do things that make you feel good and that makes you happy!Play uplifting music that makes you want to dance and go out. This is your time to shine like the diamond you were born to be. And, when you’re shining bright and vibing on a higher frequency you will attract that same frequency back to you like a boomerang!
And, if you want to raise your vibration higher to start feeling good again, give gratitude for everything you can see, feel, hear, smell and see on a daily basis. To manifest the man you truly desire- set your Intentions to the Universe in what you want.
You can write this down or say it out loud. Then release, allow and trust that the Universe will bring this into your existence when the time is right. You haven’t received loyalty with your Ex. But, know
thay you can receive loyalty with someone else if you set an intention and manifest someone you truly desired?Perhaps, now is the time to empower yourself and manifest a man you truly can trust and give all your love to. The Universe is pretty good at Upgrades if you ask. Trust me I know this from experience because I’ve been where you are now and I’m grateful for my upgrade because what I asked for I received!
I did this by raising my vibration, gratitude, empowerment and setting my intentions for a man I truly desired and deserved! And, a year later I received him and it was worth the wait!
I’m not looking over my shoulders and I trust him. And, the memories we have created surpass all the ex’s I’ve been with collectively. Now that is all with the power of the mind! You have got this. The Universe has your back!future that you want to have.”
Natasha Nanda