Everything Attraction

Free Your Mind To Awaken

The World is waking up!

Either we wake up or we will be left behind! It’s time for Humanity to REALLY start to THINK. Man can only live his full Glory if he honors his God Given Gift which is his ability to THINK.

Pause for a moment and just take a look at your Life right now!

Yes, look around you also! What do you see? Whatever you see is indicating to you where your attention has been focused on. In my case, I see books all around me because now I know that the secret of the Ages are locked up in books. I know that as an eternal spiritual being, I will always be on an infinite journey of Self Discovery.

If I am at a point of dissatisfaction in life, I now understand that I need to Grow as Spirit is for fuller expression and expansion. I was at a point of despair at one time feeling like a victim. Thanks to my mentor, I was able to rise from that dark space. Studying the lives of successful people through their books has become my new habit now.

What do you see around you? medicines? The TV and 3 Remote Controls? Phones? Gadgets? Clothes? Shoes? etc. Are you seeking to find fulfillment through all of the above? While it may be good to have all the above, I am here to tell you that you can have double or triple of all that and yet not be happy! I am also guilty of being a TV Series addict but the day I made a DECISION to find my happiness back, that day I discovered the POWER of PERSONAL GROWTH!

The day I made the DECISION to Stop Watching TV, my husband upgraded the TV in our Home from a 42 to a 65 inches one! Now how much better would my TV series be on such a BIG Screen! I must admit that the pull to my old habit was strong. Thanks to my mentor who taught me how to set the right goal for my life, I easily resisted the temptation. All the TV series paled in comparison to the new Knowledge I got hooked up to through my study program.

All the chains of ignorance that were limiting my soul from expressing itself were breaking up in me leading to my own personal growth, a higher level of awareness! The icing on the cake is seeing my outer reality re-shaping itself as my inner reality was changing! Magical!

We always have a choice.

We can live life by default where we will sway with every change in our life or we can design our own life by pursuing our desires! We are born for a reason and once we discover it and live it, life becomes an exciting adventure! We will fail, we will fall but we will rise every time because our vision will pull us forth.

Thomas Edison who invented the incandescent light failed 999 times before he succeeded. Today, in some societies, if a child fails one grade, he is so ridiculed that he internalizes the emotion of fear forever and may even never come out of it. To be able to design our own life, we need to develop faith in ourselves based on Understanding. This can only be developed through Study.

Now I ask you again, whose Life Script are you Truly LIVING?

Most people are not Truly Happy because they are living the Life Script DICTATED by SOCIETY!

Depending on our culture and education system, we were brought up with a set of beliefs. In my culture, most of us were taught that we need to go to school, get a degree, marry, have children, be obedient to our parents by believing whatever they told us without questioning, believe in the God of your Religion, be RESPONSIBLE, work 8 hours plus a day, work super hard to earn money, take care of our parents who are getting old, retire and some even believe that aches and pains is part of the growing old process too!.

Does this feel like FUN to you? No wonder so many people are running away from Marriage or even having children today! Wasn’t life more FUN at Age 3? I can tell you with certainty, Society has kind of messed up the whole system of Life and today people are more depressed than ever with Chronic Illnesses and death toll just rising everyday in the younger generation! Isn’t that reason enough to start cleaning up the Mess? We are also part of the same society!

It is time to take charge of your life!

It’s time you take charge of your own life and write YOUR OWN LIFE’S SCRIPT because when it will be time to say good bye to this world, you will wish you had done this today! There is no true FREEDOM without PERSONAL FREEDOM and each has to walk his own PATH! It does require COURAGE as you will find SOCIETY Glaring at YOU for BREAKING FREE from the Prison that has been created to Keep Humanity SAFE or should I say STUCK!

To be able to take charge of your own life, you have to first conquer your own mind. You have been blessed with the Faculty of Reason to enable you to discern between what makes sense and what doesn’t. We are not responsible for the beliefs that were programmed into us but we are absolutely responsible for re-evaluating our own belief system so that we can replace the ones that are not in harmony with the Laws of our Spiritual Being also known as the Laws of Nature or Universal Laws and are for our own advancement in life!

All you need to learn is how to FREE your Mind from non-serving beliefs to serving ones and the rest will follow! Make studying your daily habit. This is why we have been told to read the scriptures daily as every time we read the same paragraph, we understand it differently as we have grown some more in awareness of who we are. Today we have so many books on self development that are much easier to comprehend. One of my personal favourite book is “The Power of Awareness” by Neville Goddard.

“In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.”

Eric Hoffer

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Free your mind to awaken.

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