Everything Attraction

He Manifested Hair Growth With The Law Of Attraction

Well today, we have another wonderful story for you by someone who manifested hair growth and his name is Dan.

People all around us are having incredible manifestations by consciously using the Law of Attraction. It is amazing and uplifting to hear these stories. Those of us that are consciously aware of this law already know that we can manifest anything that we want. Well today, we have another wonderful story for you by someone who manifested hair growth.

Before Manifestation Journey

“Before I discovered and started implementing Law of Attraction techniques I endured a very difficult few years. From the start of 2015 – mid 2017 I had a very negative and toxic head space. Filled with a lot of self resentment and hate for myself and other people. Some of which was formed by belief systems implanted within me by following the news and politics relentlessly. Something which I stopped doing in the summer of 2018 and I felt an immediate increase in my vibe and all of the hate I had for external things started to diminish. I was just starting to feel better about myself in late 2017.”

It is very true that our beliefs have been implemented in us by outside interference. I’m sure everyone can come up with a belief that they have, or have had, and pinpoint where that belief started or when the thought caused it to be true. However, what a lot of us don’t realize is that this thought, which was introduced to us by outside influences, we accepted it as truth, which turned it into a belief. Remember, a belief is just a thought you keep thinking. 

Contrasting Moment

“Unfortunately I had a terrible bereavement incident happen out of the blue with a member of the family I had lost touch with for over two years. I then experienced a really terrible month in the aftermath which involved a lot of toxicity and deprived behaviour. I feel like this incident lead me to have my spiritual awakening of the same year and I have eventually been able to look back and be grateful that it happened as it started to put me on this path I am on now. It’s interesting how most people who have a spiritual awakening have the process triggered by trauma.”

Sometimes our awakening does happen after a tragedy or trauma and then peoples’ first instinct is to say that life is happening to them and hold on the anger, guilt, or any other negative emotions. Eventually, time passes and we’re wanting to feel better. A lot of the times, it leads us to this spiritual enlightenment.

“In February 2018. The aftermath of the bereavement incident had faded. The people involved where out of my life now. I was working part time in retail and I had a PGCE (Post graduate teacher training qualification) to finish off. I knew I had to return to the spiritual practices I had been applying on and off over the last few years to overcome the incredible amount of turmoil I was experiencing. I started watching Teal Swan relentlessly for help and guidance. The term “Law of Attraction” was been bounced around quite a bit in her videos. Over the following month or two this lead me to discover Leeor Alexandra who really opened the flood gates of LoA for me. I decided it was time to start trying to better myself as a person, focus on my goals and get stuff done. This built up a positive momentum for me. I was getting deeper and deeper into LoA and discovering new guru’s and techniques which I was applying on a regular basis.”     

Manifestation Processes

…daily journal entries and scripting! Once I started doing this in March of this year, my life in every way started to improve dramatically! I was getting more of what I wanted and in a quicker manner. I was raising my vibration to new levels that I had never experienced before.”

Daily journal entries allow us to keep track of our emotions and where we are in the process of our manifestation journeys. Scripting, if you’ve never heard of it, is when you write down an event, or anything that you’d like to manifest, as if it was in the past. By doing this, you visualize and quickly get the emotions you’d feel when you’d receive it, right now, in this moment, and make it a quicker manifestation. 

“I would look back to photos of myself as a teenager / early 20’s and know that genetically I am blessed with thick hair and that it is just a matter of time until I get there again. I affirm myself that because of my much healthier and active lifestyle that my new hair will be even better than it was back then. I also affirm that I will manifest much better hair moving forward because my hair care and product use is much better than when I was younger as well. A lot of the time I would just ignore my current reality / appearance during difficult stages. Avoiding the mirror and wearing a snapback cap would help. I would also often look at the type of hair I want in the future and be inspired to keep going.”

Manifestation Journey

“In regards to my hair journey I have been doing equal parts LoA techniques and taking “inspired action”. I did a lot of research into the best hair care and growth routines. This lead me on to following what’s known as “The Curly Girl Method”. Which is essentially a routine which elements shampoo and products which have harsh chemicals in them and you also don’t brush your hair. This started to dramatically improve the condition of my hair as it was growing and it was coming in a lot thicker. I discovered other methods such as rice water rinses and massages to stimulate the scalp and encourage growth / regrowth of my hairline. LoA methods would involve writing down that I was grateful for having thick and curly hair every day in my gratitude journal entry. Speaking to myself in the mirror in a positive manner about my appearance and also reaffirming internally that the physical and LoA methods would work for me.”

A lot of beginner conscience manifestors first hear “you can achieve anything with little work.” This is definitely true, however, there is work or action involved. This is what’s called Inspired Action. An inspired action is when the Universe, Source, or whatever name you’d prefer, gives you a feeling or inspiration to do a certain activity. That activity, or action, helps to get you the manifestation you so desire by using the process of least resistance. This is the reason why there are different people who have different ways to achieve the same thing. Everyone’s resistance is different. This does not mean a forced action is required. In fact, forced actions prolong your manifestation. Which is why when the people who say “Hard work and perseverance succeeds” take a long time, sometimes years, for their desires to manifest.

Manifestation Length

It’s still very much an ongoing process. But I’ve started to become very happy with my hair again over the last 2 months. So I would say it took around about 6 months of work until a lot of resistance dropped during the “struggling” phase.”

Although there are multiple ways to bring about a certain desire, we all have our own resistance based on our life journeys. Before our spiritual awakening or when we are in our beginning stages of learning about conscious manifesting, we may have a lot of resistances. Because of this, there are limited ways available to us which makes for a longer gestation process. Once we let go of these resistances, or limiting beliefs, we open more ways and possibilities to us in abundance.

Dan’s Advice

“In regards to general LoA journey. I would say to treat it as a “hobby” that you get better at. Make sure you are researching consistently. Have good sources of information that you can access. (YouTube channels / Books) and try and get “better” at it. But also remember to have fun with it!”

“For hair, it’s patience. Do your research and implement methods consistently. Have faith in what you’re doing and enjoy the process! I feel like a teenager again when I was first growing out my hair now. I’m at the stage where it covers my ears with thick curls and it reminds me of my youth when I first got into music and playing guitar. Those memories make me happy and it’s fun to enjoy the process again. One of my favorite Buddhist quotes is that the journey is the reward and I feel that is so true. Having fun with what you’re doing is the reward and I’ve been applying that to all areas of my life. (Music, weight training, fitness, career and so on)”  

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