Everything Attraction

The Benefits Of Subliminal Programing

Subliminal programmings are currently flourishing on Youtube and it can be difficult to believe how extremely effective and deeply transformative they can have on an individual. It can feel almost too good to be true so let’s dive into this subject a bit deeper. The word subliminal means existing or functioning beneath the threshold of conscious perception. Although it’s been around for many decades, subliminal audio programming is having a huge recent upswing. According to various authorities, the American government initiated the use of subliminal programming in the late 1950s to achieve mind control of the mass population. It’s also been frequently used since then for commercial purposes by many big companies, one of which is the most famous Coca-Cola Company who had an extensive sales boom after visual subliminals were used in cinemas all over the States in the late 1950s.

Subliminal programming has since been the topic of countless scientific studies and has been proven to work on all sorts of subjects, from breast enlargement to clearer focus, and even better academic results, among others. There are a myriad of different subjects on subliminal programming available on Youtube for free, most of them have not, of course, been tested scientifically for authenticity, but the principle remains the same.

Subliminal programming can easily be effective for creating changes in your subconscious mind. And it can also be extremely effective in releasing deep-rooted traumas that, even after years of traditional psychotherapy, may not have been completely healed. The subconscious mind is really what is in charge of our lives and is much more powerful than our conscious mind. 

Subliminals work by addressing the subconscious mind and thus bypassing the conscious completely which silences critical thinking. E.g. If you are reprogramming yourself to having better self-esteem, your critical thinking cannot get in the way as it does when doing regular affirmations. With verbal affirmations, there’s the possibility of hindering yourself by consciously thinking, “Oh, I’m too clumsy, my skin looks terrible…” etc, despite the affirmations alternative statements. When working with Subliminals, the suggestions go directly into the subconscious and reprograms it without you questioning its validity and your judgment. The subconscious is much like a computer, in that it cannot distinguish between true and false and it has no reasonable thinking. It accepts everything, which can be detrimental if you feed it negative suggestions, but in this case, we can turn the lead into gold so to speak. The easiest way to reprogram the subconscious mind is through constant repetition. When a statement has been repeated enough times, the subconscious will accept it to be true and the new program will take effect in your life. It really is that easy.

What should you look for in a subliminal?

First, who made it? Is this person trustworthy? There was a big exposure a few years ago on Youtube where one of the bigger channels was discovered to have negative and very controlling content. Since you are essentially letting the subliminal reprogram your subconscious, it’s vital that you trust the subliminal itself and also its creator. You can try it out for a few minutes and, depending on your sensitivity, you will feel either elevated or constricted. If you feel elevated, all is fine. But if you feel anything negative emotions of feelings, that subliminal is not good for you. Trust your intuition. Personally, I’ve tried hundreds of different Subliminals on Youtube and have not yet discovered anyone that felt deliberately negative, so I’ve come to believe that it is not a very common phenomenon.

You should also be aware that even if the content is positive, the creator of the audio may not have a solid spiritual background. You should always aim for the subliminal whose creator has a deep spiritual understanding. Also, I have found that many subliminal recordings are quite limited in their message. We are all spiritual beings having an Earthly and physical experience which means our potential is limitless! There are subliminal creators who are aware of this truth and their subliminals are working on a much higher frequency than most which, in the end, will help you optimize your spiritual development.

How long should you listen to it? 

For at least 21 days to see results and if you want them to be permanent, you could extend this time to up to 40 days or more. Again, follow your intuition. Subliminals can be extremely efficient and sometimes you can feel it working instantly. Time will vary according to the quality of the subliminal and, above all, the level of blockage in your subconscious that needs to be removed. You can also try using boosters or blockage removers in between sessions to enhance the results. Boosters are created to intensify any subliminal it is used in conjunction with and will help intensify the results. It’s also a good idea to drink lots of water during programming periods since water acts as a conduction agent and helps anchor new frequencies in the body and mind.

The best time to listen to Subliminals is during sleep cycles, due to the conscious mind being asleep and your subconscious being open to suggestions. You will also have the top gateway open so to speak. In other words, use them during the time you fall asleep and when you wake up. That is when it is optimal for reprogramming since, at those times, all that is programmed will be directly inserted in the subconscious. It will also be able to “marinate” during all your sleeping hours. To aid the subliminal, you could also visualize the end result of your programming, preferably at these times for maximum results.

How many different subliminals could you use at a time? 

For laser-sharp focus and clear, obvious, and rapid results, I would recommend using one topic at a time, although you could try using several different Subliminals from various creators, make sure to just keep the topic the same. However, if you are just starting out, it can be fun and fascinating to browse through Youtube for a few days or weeks and try out multiple subjects from a multitude of creators. It is awesome to learn that there are many impressive and random subjects out there. This is also a great way for you to find out what really matters to you and also to find the perfect subliminal creators for you. You could even tune in to a channel, close your eyes, and see what feelings come to you from the channel and its creator. As always follow your Intuition.

Is it really possible to change your physical appearance such as eye color, height, the shape of the nose, etc? 

Yes, it may sound far fetched, but it is totally possible! We are limitless multidimensional beings in physical form, but our spiritual potential is truly unlimited. We can create anything we believe to be true in our subconscious mind. 

I have a Subliminal YouTube Channel that I recently started. I wanted to make Subliminals for limitlessness and maximum result on a spiritual level. Feel free to try them out. They are made with high spiritual understanding and love.

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