Everything Attraction

Be General In Asking For What You Want

If you have been practicing the Law of Attraction for any length of time, you probably use visualization as a technique in manifesting what you want. But have you ever felt that even when you visualize EXACTLY what you want, right down to the smallest detail, and for some reason, it is not becoming a physical reality? Next time, try being general in asking for what you want.

 We have all sat and daydreamed, probably very hard, about something we really want that it may have even felt as if it were real. Maybe you are like me, picturing yourself on an exotic beach covered in clean white sand, crystal clear water and blue skies for as far as the eye can see.  You lay in a hammock under the shade of a palm tree with a delicious, refreshing, fruity drink in hand (of course it has an umbrella in it.) You are served all of your favorite foods (naturally, calories don’t exist.) You and your partner, or friend(s)/familiy, are the only people in sight, aside from the butler, whose sole purpose is to make sure your every desire becomes a reality. You don’t have a care in the world. You are fully present and in the moment.

But then reality creeps back in. You open your eyes and you are back at your office, sitting at your desk in the middle of another long workday and all those good feelings fade away before you get your next chance to escape into your vacation daydream bliss. How can it be possible to fully escape in that moment, for you to visualize so intensely that it feels like a reality, something that you have had waiting for you, for a long time, in your vortex (a place where all of your desires, goals, and dreams are brimming and waiting to be manifested,) but it seems like there is no possibility of it manifesting itself into your physical world?

The answer is simple: The Universe has a plan for you and wants you to have anything and everything you desire, in the easiest way possible. But you have to put your trust into the Universe. Part of trusting is letting go of control. You do not need to plan every last detail. The Universe will take care of that for you. All you need to do is put your desire out there. You might say something like “I would really love to go on a vacation.”  That’s it! Nothing more. After that, all you need to do is focus on feeling good. That good feeling will put you on the right vibrational frequency for the Universe to put you on the path of your least resistance to your desire. Be open to all possibilities, even the ones that you might not have previously considered. Be appreciative of what comes your way and keep a positive outlook in all situations. Before you know it that dream vacation will have no choice but to find its way to you. It is the Law Of Attraction! Examples may be that you might get an unexpected bonus at work or maybe a friend will invite you on their vacation. You might even win a contest for an all-expenses-paid beach getaway. The possibilities are really endless!

If it helps to better understand, you can think of it in scientific terms. It is simple physics. Even as far back as 390 BC, Greek philosopher Plato built on the idea of philia (attractive force) and neikos (repulsive force) by suggesting the first law of affinity that “likes tend toward likes”, in other words, like attracts like. So the more positive vibes you put out, the more positive things will be attracted back to you, and you will feel good. That good feeling is the secret to manifesting your desires.   

So by focusing on how we feel, rather than all the details of what may make us feel that way, we release any resistance that comes along with the contingency of those outside forces and allows us to focus on the outcome of what we truly want. Sometimes we are so specific in the details of what we want that we, unintentionally, ask from a feeling of lack, and since we’ve just learned like tends toward likes, we know that will only bring us more of that feeling. Don’t let those anxieties get in the way. Let them go. Put your trust in the Universe and focus on what makes you feel good. Sometimes, those insecurities might even cause us to sell ourselves short is asking for our desires. We might feel like we are asking for too much, or too big, but the Universe knows what is in store for us and that we truly deserve the best. Nothing is too big to ask for. An easy way to focus on the good feelings of your desires is to ask yourself WHY you want those particular desires. By focusing on the why, our feelings will follow, which, in turn, we are allowing the Universe to put the who, what, where, when and how of those desires into the perfect place, and sometimes in ways that we never imagined.

Visualization is an important tool when practicing The Law of Attraction, but your feelings are the most important part of your guidance system. Your guidance system is your feelings compass that notifies you if you are in alignment, or in the same vibration, of your desires. If you feel bad, you are not in alignment. If you feel good, you are in alignment. It really is a compass that lets you know in you which direction your heading. Towards or away from your desires.

So next time, try something like this, “I am in a place that feels good. I am surrounded by beautiful scenery that makes me feel amazing. I feel completely relaxed and comfortable. I consume foods and beverages that make me feel wonderful. I am accompanied by people that make me feel loved. I feel good.” You can use any variation of this that you feel applies to your goals or dreams, but the important part is to focus on how you want to FEEL, your mind will paint its own perfect picture based on your feelings, and let the universe take care of the rest!

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