Everything Attraction

Law Of Attraction For Beginners Guide

If there is one reason to find out more about the Law of Attraction it is this: LOA always works whether you are aware of it or not. Like gravity.  It is not concerned with your personal views on it and it does not care if you believe it or not. It just is. 

 Have you heard Pascal’s wager? It was many years ago that I was lectured about it in my philosophy classes, but I remember being taken by the simple logic of it: if there is more to gain than lose from something, we are better off believing than not believing. 

So what is the Law of attraction? 

Law of Attraction is a universal law that states “the essence of that which is like unto itself is drawn”*. The more commonly known and simpler sounding definition I have come across is the phrase “like attracts like.” 

It is based on the premise that our reality is primarily vibrational. We are all vibrational beings and everything around us, every aspect of the reality as we see it now, has first been a thought, an image, a word…

It is not so new a theory. We all have heard of Einstein and his famous E= MC2 so the concept of material world being, in fact, a gigantic energy field is not an alien one. 

What Law of attraction expands on though, is that we all, as individuals, are active creators in our world and we are doing it not through our actions, but through the power of our vibration. So like attracts like is in fact a description of the process by of how we do that. 

And what defines our vibration? 

In a nutshell, our vibration is our emotional response to various things we interact within our world. It is emitting a frequency signal into the Universe. This signal, once sent, becomes a sort of  locator for everything that emits the exact same frequency. So the way we feel about things becomes a magnet for more things which feel exactly the same way. But what does it mean in practice? How can we know and control what we are emitting into the wider space? The two keywords here are emotion and focus. Most of us have known since we were very little that we are choosing things in life predominantly on the basis of how we feel about them. I like it, I want it. I don’t like it, I don’t want it. But here is the missing bit: what we have not been told is that from the point of Law of Attraction, this hardly matters because it is the focus on how something feels is what gets us more of the same. So when we really really don’t like something and don’t want it in our lives, we are almost certainly focusing our attention on the feeling of not wanting it. So what we are indeed vibrationally saying is “I want more of that which I don’t want.” When we, however, focus our attention on how it would feel to be free from that which we don’t want, be it debt, uncaring boyfriend, or boring job, and imagine how it would feel to be abundantly loved and fulfilled, we are beginning to change our focus, our vibrational output, and set in motion a very different chain of events. 

How often have we heard from others “Just focus – you really need to focus” or “you should focus on what really matters to you.” Usually what people mean when saying this is to take some action, influence something, stop doing what is not important and start doing something else. But the term focus is something entirely different in the law of attraction. It is the act of giving attention to that particular emotion. which we want to grow bigger so that we can attract more of the things, events, people, objects that make us feel that same way. Deliberate focusing is using the law of attraction to our advantage. 

Another thing we often hear, and sometimes say, is “you need to face reality…” This advice almost always comes from people who love us and wish us well, and no doubt they do, but their love and their concerns are grounded in their understanding of the world which doesn’t take into consideration those laws of the universe that we know we are subject to. The Law of Attraction tells us that what we focus on grows so before we go ahead and start analyzing how bad our current situation is, it is worth considering if this is what we want more of in the future…

There is, however, an important point to “facing reality,” and in terms of what we want to achieve, there is an element of reality worth facing. This reality is our “power tool” with which to carve the reality of the future. We now know what we want and what we don’t want to include in our future. Our current reality shows us how we were feeling about the reality we were observing. Our emotions are the best indicator of what we are attracting in any given moment – positive emotions, such as joy, enthusiasm, passion, tell us we are in the process of creating the reality which will reflect all of those feelings. Anger, disappointment, depression are telling us we are heading for more of that – so we should think on how to adjust our course so we avoid a head-on collision with the reality we don’t want to create. 

Law of Attraction key facts worth remembering: 

  • LoA works whether you believe it or not. So you are much better off believing it and using it to your greatest benefit.  Don’t be afraid of your thoughts! Not all of them will immediately manifest as reality. It is an essence of what you are thinking about that matters here- the emotional and vibrational essence. That’s why saying “I’m winning the lottery tomorrow” rarely works because there is little strength to the actual belief that it is indeed possible.
  •  Everything you focus on has the potential of becoming reality for you as the Law of Attraction delivers more and more of that to you. There is, however, more often than not, a time-space gap and a certain degree of delay which, in all honesty, works to your advantage. It gives you time to revise your wishes and desires, adjust your focus, and find a feeling place that is an exact vibrational match to what you want to feel like once your desire had manifested.
  • Observing reality is, in fact, looking at your past. Remind yourself that when you are observing what you don’t like, you are in the process of creating the new NOW right this moment. The words you speak to your friends about your now are an insight into your future manifestations. William James, American philosopher and psychologist, said that one of the most powerful tools we have is our ability to choose one thought over another. Use your thoughts in service of your emotions and soon everything will change for the better.

With great power comes great responsibility and the law of attraction is a powerful law that hands us back the responsibility for our life in all its aspects. Not everyone will like it and many might feel afraid at the thought of how much power we command, but imagine going to the cinema and not liking a movie one bit. Would you stay and endure it minute by minute or would you leave and choose something more fun next time? The law of attraction is about that choice. And our choice is the direction of our focus.

Let LoA take you on a journey so you can discover for yourself how powerful it is and how knowing how to make it work for you will completely transform your life. How quickly it happens and how big the changes are will depend entirely on you. The less resistance and doubts you have, the more powerful your vibration and the quicker the momentum of attraction so that the things, people, resources and information to assist you will keep flowing your way. Choose to go with that flow and you will never look back because you will build a momentum of positivity and abundance which cannot be easily diverted.

Focus with love on things that make you joyful and happy. Imagine them, feel the presence of them, and enjoy the thought that they are all on its way to you as surely and certainly as the gravity will bring you back to earth if you jump.

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