Everything Attraction

LOA: The Easy Way

LOA Done The Easy Way

One afternoon, about 22 years ago, I was waiting at my hairdresser’s salon and we were discussing all kinds of spiritual and non-spiritual subjects, especially some soulmate related stuff that was happening in my life. Suddenly Alice (my hairdresser) said, “I’ve read a very interesting book lately and I am actually convinced that you are going to like it too a lot.”

Of course, she got my full attention immediately and I asked her for the subject, the title, and the author of the book.
She laughed a bit and said, “don’t get me wrong, I’m not some kind of a Jehovah’s witness or so, but the title is ‘Conversations with God’, by Neal Donald Walsh.”

In that time, we were living in a very religious environment and as a child from an intellectual, non-religious family, I immediately decided that that book should totally be “none of my business.”

We fast forward to two years later. Life “happened”, as I still thought then, but somehow I KNEW that everything that I experienced, was caused by myself, but I had no idea how I did it, why I did it and how I could stop my world from acting towards me.
One morning, when I was feeling totally lost again and locking myself up in my bathroom, crying in despair, I suddenly remembered what Alice had told me a couple of years ago.
I had just become a member of a book club and the day before, I received my first catalog and some welcome gift cards for new members. I literally jumped on my feet and ran to our living room, looking for the catalog. I took a glimpse at the first page and there it was: Special offer: Neal Donald Walsh’s bestseller CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD!
Two days later the book arrived, and I could not stop reading as soon as I laid my hands on it. 

And my life changed – for good and forever.

As I know now, I have been very lucky that Conversations With God has been my introduction to LOA, because Neal Donald Walsh explains the Law in a very complete, easy, and understandable way. Since then, I have read hundreds of books on LOA, listened to audios, watched videos, and participated in workshops. But never have I found it explained so clear and simple as Walsh did.
His books have been my main lead by teaching my children on LOA  (my son was only two years of age when I found out about it) and they all have become pure master manifestors!

Most teachers on LOA make it way too difficult to understand, and left alone to work with. That is definitely not at all how it should be. LOA is actually very simple and easy, the only problem is, that we never learned how to think and act according to the Law.

The easiest way to understand what it is all about is to compare LOA to our daily life because that IS something, we are familiar with.

First, LOA is a universal LAW, which means it is active ALL THE TIME. It is not a magic wand that you can use from time to time or a switch on or off. It is not something you can use now and then not again. It is out there always, like the weather, gravity,  and the moving of the planets. Therefore, we are responsible 100% to use it consciously and constantly, for our own benefits and the benefits of all, instead of “letting life happen.”

LOA is the way of life.

We live in a vibrational universe. That means, everything is vibration. The denser the vibrations are, the better we can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell them. The fact that we as humans are not able to sense them, does not mean that they are not present. They just move on frequencies we are not able to notice (yet). Think of an ultrasound; we can’t see or hear it, but we can see the translation of its echo as pictures on a screen.

Second, we exist in a dualistic universe. That means that something only exists by its opposite. There is no light without darkness, no white without black, no high without low, etc. It is what Abraham Hicks call contrast, which is at the basis of all creation. We cannot define (and create) what we want if we don’t know what we don’t want. I will dive deeper into this subject next time when I am going to explain what steps we need to follow to create the best version of ourselves in the best possible reality and how we do that.

As we are vibrational beings, we constantly are influenced by the vibrations that we sense around us. We all know a certain someone or situation that lowers our mood (vibration) immediately as soon as it/ they show up. Unfortunately, we grew up in a society where we learned to pay attention to people and circumstances that makes us feel bad and to discuss our opinion on it as often as possible, even if it happened many years ago. Doing so, we keep the low vibrations active and we even create more of it, because the universe, like a huge copying machine, constantly and exactly gives back to us what we send out. 

The good news is, that we can choose what we give our attention to, what we talk about, what vibration we send out to the universe. We can choose to step away from people who lower our moods, to switch our negative conceptions to better feeling ideas, to refuse to hang on to negative experiences in the past and turn our attention to the wonderful things that are about to happen.

That is what deliberate creation is. 

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