Everything Attraction

Finding Self-Love

The most important key to experience a happy, fulfilled life is self-love. It is the foundation of miracles and if you don’t truly love yourself it will be very difficult, and in some cases even impossible, to effectively work with the Law of Attraction to create the life that you want. Even if you are not aware of it, you can have subconscious blocks on a deeper level that hinder your manifestations.  This is, unfortunately, much more common than many of us may think. Self-love and self-worth are intricately connected as you must feel that you are worthy of the very best to be able to manifest it.

How to find self-love

Firstly, navigate where you are on the self-love spectrum. If you, for instance, attract dysfunctional relationships, if you suffer from self-destructive behavior or addictions etc, you need to set the focus on why.  Are you your own best friend or your own worst enemy? It’s imperative for self-love that you surround yourself with friendly uplifting people, even unconditional supportive friends who are there for you when you need it. Support is the magical fertilizer that helps us grow and become our best selves and it is far too common to not receive the support we need. 

Setting boundaries

Do avoid negative, energy-sucking people who drag you down at all costs. This can sometimes be tricky, especially if you surround yourself with energetic vampires who hold you back but are disguised as friends. When you are disconnected from your heart and your own truth, it will be much easier for other people, who do not have your best interest at heart, to dominate and manipulate you. However, when you are driven by your inner truth it will sharpen your intuition and you will instantly know whether something or someone is right for you or not. It will also become a lot easier to set healthy boundaries and to release that which no longer serves you. Make an inventory of the people in your closest circle. Are they really having your best interest at heart? If not, then let them go. Nobody needs unnecessary negativity around and if you want to manifest self love, your friends should mirror this by being on your side and supporting you when you need it. It might be necessary to clear out some “weeds” so to speak, but it will be worth it. Bad friends can influence you in a myriad of ways and can, unfortunately, lead you astray and, in the long run, hold you back from your spiritual awakening and your true purpose. Always remember you are worth real, true friends who love and accept you for who you are. None of us should ever settle for anything less.

Your life will shift

Life is so much easier and more enjoyable when you are vibrating on a frequency of love and self-acceptance. Others will notice it also and your whole outlook on life will shift in subtle, or dramatic ways when you are connected with the true core of your being. Your capacity to both receive and give love to others will be amplified immensely and you will eventually become more of your true self, which may have been buried beneath years of adapting to other peoples expectations of you. 

How to love yourself if you suffer from emotional pain, trauma, abuse etc.

If you suffer from emotional pain, abuse, abandonment or any kind of trauma, self-love is the ultimate healer of all such negative experiences. It can be hard to find love for yourself if you have been mistreated, especially if that started from a young age. The importance of healing deep trauma cannot be underestimated. There are numerous ways for trauma release and you should find something that suits your personal needs. The most important thing is that you DO address it in some way to release it. Otherwise, it will continue to linger on in your subconscious mind and can wreck havoc on your life if not properly dealt with.  The way to self-love can seem hard in the beginning, especially if you start from a place of self-loathing, but if you persist it will become fun, enjoyable and deeply healing. Self-love is not a destination that you can reach and be finished with, but a lifelong journey that becomes more joyful, beautiful, and magical as you continue to explore it. You will be amazed and astonished of what wonders it can bring you along the way.

Your inner self-talk

Begin to listen to your inner self-talk. What words do you use about yourself and to yourself? If you make a mistake, do you immediately start scolding yourself or do you have more patience with your shortcomings? Do you criticize your look in the mirror or do you see your beauty and express it to yourself? Do you always predict the worst-case scenario when something unexpected happens? Many of us live in a perpetual state of fear that comes from our own minds.

The inner child

The inner child is closely connected to self-love and inner feelings of joy and freedom. The inner child is not a concept but a very real and important part of our psychological makeup. Especially if you had a rough childhood, it’s important that you make the inner child feel safe and recognized and that you offer the love and support that it needs.  If you didn’t get what you needed as a child, you can give it to your inner child now. It can be truly transformative to access and support this hidden part of the psyche. 

A word of caution; if you are very disconnected and start working with heart meditations and the like, it can be quite challenging in the beginning. You may at first encounter suppressed negative emotions that can be intensely painful at first. Do not fear this, it is part of an internal cleansing and it will get easier in time. Be patient with yourself and allow all emotions, even the painful ones to be held in the healing light of unconditional love and acceptance.

Connecting with self-love

A simple, but transformational, habit to strengthen your self-love is to regularly connect with the deeper levels of the heart chakra, preferably every morning just after waking up or at night before sleeping. Love is the essence of who and what you really are, and when you finally realize that, not in an intellectual way, but really experiencing the feeling of self-love from deep within your core, this will be the moment when you will value yourself in a much more profound way. This meditation is created for you to have that experience.

Self-love meditation

Put your hands over the heart to strengthen the connection. Breathe deeply and slowly and let your whole body and mind relax for a few minutes. Let your mind go deeper and deeper into the center of your heart chakra until you find the natural stillness and peace that resides within. Bask and relax in this presence of your own soul, your truth and the love that naturally radiates from your center. Be still for a few minutes and focus on the expansive presence of love that comes from this spiritual core. Let this energy slowly expand and fill your whole body and aura. Now when you are in contact with this frequency of love and truth, it can be a great idea to ask a question to your Higher Self. For instance, any question concerning what will be your best decision in the present such as; should I really go to the party tonight?  Ask the question and rest for a while until you get a clear yes or no that comes from deep within.  

When you make it a priority to connect with yourself daily in this way, it will create positive changes in yourself. You will begin to value yourself more which, in turn, will affect all of you in numerous ways. Sometimes an increased sense of value will make you see clearly what doesn’t resonate with you any longer, e.g. unsupportive partner, a dead-end job or self-destructive behaviors such as smoking, gambling etc. If you do get strong feelings to leave destructive people, situations or behaviors behind, it is essential to follow your truth and cut the cords that are holding you back. Your heart will tell you the truth. Trust it. It can be scary at first, but being in harmony with yourself and your inner truth is a magnificent way to live.

Here’s a link to a guided meditation of mine, that will help you to connect with self-love in an even deeper way. For best results listen for 21 days. Enjoy!

Guided Meditation

For those of you who enjoy listening to Subliminals, here is a subliminal video to increase self-love to help you bypass your conscious mind.

Self-love Subliminal

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