Everything Attraction

Finding Your Worthiness

Do you believe human beings are inherently worthy? Do you believe YOU are inherently worthy? You are! There is an old saying “God doesn’t make junk,” that points to exactly that premise. We don’t look at a newborn and say to the parents “this kid has potential to be worthy.” We look at that newborn with a sense of wonder and delight in his or her very existence. They are worthy of our love just because they are here. They allow us to practice unconditional love. They don’t have to achieve, believe, do or become anything for us to believe they are worthy of loving and, those babies don’t know any different until the world starts telling them how to gauge their worth through ethnicity, socio-economic status, achievements, grades, athletic ability and eventually, earning potential.

You were once that infant. You believed you were worthy. You had the ability to ask for what you needed, express joy with carefree abandon and attack life from a place of security and love. Have you ever seen pictures or video of yourself when you were little? Especially before age 5? Do you ever wonder where the “light in your eyes” went? It is still there, hiding behind the belief that you are not enough. We rate ourselves by the highlight reel others show us on social media, by some standard set by executives in the entertainment industry, or the expectations of family, friends and communities for how we are “supposed” to be. We take our cues from other physical beings but neglect our higher self. Our inner source knows our worthiness. Human beings are inherently worthy; we are born that way. Our inner being sees our worth even when we do not. The disconnect we feel in our lives, between where we are and where we think we should be, between who we are and who we think we should be, is directly related to our disconnect from source energy.

Abraham Hicks tells us that when we feel fear, it is directly because our spiritual connection to source is out of whack. Our inner being always knows our worth and always refuses to follow us into the abyss of negative thinking about self. When we are not feeling worthy, we are not viewing ourselves through the eyes of source. Source is pure, positive energy. When we are disconnected from source, negative thinking and feelings of unworthiness can arise and we begin to judge ourselves by society standards rather than standards of Source. Negative emotion does not mean that you are not good, it means that your currently active thought does not harmonize with the currently active thoughts of Source. Source energy will never travel into the dark with you, but Source will hold the light so you can find your way. Your job is to look for the light. Maintaining a positive outlook will help you more than any one other change you can make. Here are some easy ways to increase your positive outlook, raise your vibration, and your self-worth, all at the same time.

Gratitude lists

Every day take time to make a gratitude list. It doesn’t have to be long but aim for 3-5 things you are grateful for that day. Do this in the evening right before bed so that your mind is focused on the positives rather than racing with all the “stuff” from the day or the worries of tomorrow. This list will grow as you grow and, on THOSE DAYS, you will be able to look back at all you have to be grateful for. There are apps for your phone to make your list portable.

Book of positive Aspects

Abraham-Hicks discusses this in their teachings. Get a notebook and write “Book of Positive Aspects” on the cover. Then choose a person or thing you want to focus on and ask yourself these questions –

What do I like about you? (it)

*Why do I love you so much?* (it)

What are your positive aspects? – If writing about someone that is irking you right now, the 2nd question may be hard to answer; however, as you begin to focus on the positive in the person your vibration will begin to change and you will reach a place of love.

Begin writing down the thoughts that come to you in response to the questions – do not force them. Write if the thoughts come easily and then read and enjoy your own words. With someone who is annoying you, the process may take a little longer and the thoughts may not come as easily but everyone has positive aspects and if we look hard enough, we will see them. When we focus on appreciation, and look for positive aspects, we will find them and our relationships improve – not because the other person changed, but because OUR FOCUS did.

Pay Attention to your emotions

Your emotions are key in understanding how your behavior fits into or is appropriate to your belief system. They will teach you about your worthiness that is at the core of who you are. Feelings of unworthiness run rampant in our world today. Human thought is directed toward lack, which only promotes more discord and fracture of alignment with Source and with love and well-being.


Make this a daily practice. Put your perfectionism away for 15 to 20 minutes, sit or lay and get quiet and focus your attention on your breathing, the spot on the wall, the hum of the fan, anything that does not require serious thought. Allow your mind to “blank” for this brief time. This is the time when your higher self will begin to emerge, and you will find answers you thought impossible. BE AWARE: your mind will wander. Don’t panic. Don’t give up. This is normal, especially when first starting a medication practice. Just bring your focus back to the sound of your breathing. My goal with meditation is to be able to invoke the calm state I reach during meditation in any situation and to be mindful that I don’t always need to react.

Get out in nature

Yes, hug a tree, walk barefoot through the grass, gaze at the stars. Enjoy a sunrise and/or a sunset. Marvel at the wonder of nature. Connecting with Mother Earth also helps us connect with source energy. That connection increases our feelings of self-worth.

Watch the creatures as they interact with the environment

Allow yourself to wonder at the playful squirrel, the regal doe, the fluffy kitten and the barking, energetic dog waiting for you to acknowledge him. Creatures do not worry about the bills, the long to-do list, or daily struggles. They live life. There’s a prairie dog colony just on the edge of town and I drive by and look for my “buddies” every afternoon because seeing them makes me happy. I stopped one morning for a parade of kittens crossing the street and was immediately in my “happy place”. I talk to the geese at work every morning. Try it and see what happens.

We must allow the good things to come to us by removing the negativity that blocks our receiving. Understanding your worth allows you to connect to your higher self. Knowing that you are worthy is central to the Law of Attraction working in your life.

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