When you start working with the Law of Attraction there is a myriad of techniques and ways to go about it, but there is one thing that is vital and a key component to make manifestation work for you and that is, of course, gratitude.
Gratitude is actually a spiritual sub-law in itself, The Law of Gratitude, which says that the more grateful you are, the more you will have to be grateful for. Gratitude is like a magnet that will attract all kind of things, people, and events to you to be grateful for and appreciate greatly. Gratitude is a truly magical component. Real gratitude has the capacity to transform any negative situation into something miraculous.
Sometimes we may think we have nothing to be grateful for. We may suffer from illness, heartbreak or depression, for instance. To transform a negative situation, you can start by acknowledging something positive, even if it is just a tiny thing in this challenging situation, and praise it. The important thing is to find the silver lining in your situation. All suffering can be seen from another perspective. It can truly be a blessing that is so well disguised that you won’t find out why this happened to you until a long time, maybe years later.
I will use myself as an example. I have been suffering from severe anxiety and deep, paralyzing depression for years. There were many times I felt utterly powerless and blamed the Universe. I could not, for my life, see anything good in my suffering at all. Now years after, I can see that my personal suffering has transformed me in ways nothing else could. I have become a much more compassionate person with a deep understanding of pain and trauma. I can help others who are going through painful situations with much more presence and validation. And my soul has grown immensely by being in darkness for such a long time. This has enabled me to reach new heights of spiritual expansion with which I am immensely grateful for and as a plus, I am completely free of depression now and that is something to celebrate. Even a quite ordinary day is amazing to me now, compared to the darkness I was in before I can now appreciate life’s miracle.
A few ways you can work with gratitude are:
Appreciate the silver lining in the thing you currently are not grateful for, to transform any situation into a desired one. This can be tricky, but it is well worth the effort.
Make a list of ten things you are grateful for and write this list anew every day. Writing enhances the process even further rather than just thinking it. This is because you involve more senses in your communication with the Universe. The more you focus on writing this list the clearer it will be to you that you, indeed, have much to be grateful for and you will find more and more things the more you think about it. It will become easier and easier to write this list. After a while, it will transform your whole mindset into a much more positive one.
A relationship that is out of balance or even negative can be transformed by gratitude. By focusing on what you like about the other person, it will grow and spill over into other areas. If you are persistent in this practice it can completely change this relationship into a much better one. A word of caution; if the other person is the harmful individual type, emotionally and physically, then maybe you should just remove yourself from them.
Before you go to an important event or do any important action, you can be grateful in advance, e.g. that the job interview is going to go well, that the medical checkup is going to be a positive one, etc. Thank the Universe in advance for everything you do and watch how your day goes a lot smoother.
Everything that is being praised will eventually transform into its highest potential. You can do this with your own body, especially the parts you don’t really like. For instance, if you are prone to acne, you can talk to your skin, telling it how it is perfect, how much you love it, how beautiful and clear it is, etc. See what happens. Your cells are conscious living entities and they will listen and obey your command whether it is positive or negative. If you are having a problem with any bodily organ or function you can change that by telling it differently. Tell it that it is working perfectly. It really is that simple. Subliminals can be a great help here as well as they bypass your conscious critical inner voice and reprogram your subconscious directly.
Start by thanking in advance for all your manifestations, even before they have come to fruition. This shows the Universe that you trust the Manifestation process. If you make this into a habit and really feel it, your manifestations are sure to come!