Everything Attraction

The Virtue of Allowing

What is the “law of allowing”? How do you understand it and practice it? Understanding and practicing the “law of allowing” correctly boosts your manifestation speed, so it is worth learning, isn’t it?
Manifestation has three processes: asking, creating, and allowing. They are also called “law of attraction”, “law of creation”, and “law of allowing”. The first two processes are well-known and clear enough to understand correctly. However, the third process is often misunderstood. I didn’t understand “allowing” correctly either.
I would like to share my point of view about “allowing” through this article and hope it helps all of you boost your speed of manifestation. This article first summarizes the three processes, then shows the examples of “not allowing”, and lastly shares a manifestation success story.

First, let’s review the first two processes.

Process 1: Asking

Meaning: You attract what you give thought to.
If you want to attract something, give them the power to show up by thinking about them.
Ask and you shall receive. Everything starts by clearly recognizing what you want.

Process 2: Creating

Meaning: Before you experience it in your physical world, you create the reality by visualizing them. Whatever you can visualize vividly, you can experience in this time/space world. After you become able to visualize them vividly, act as if they are already happening in your life.

Process 3. Allowing

When you are allowing, you don’t have any limiting beliefs.
When you are allowing, you know (believe) you receive your desire without doubts.
When you are allowing, you are comfortable and feel light because your heart is wide open to receive all goods.

Above the explanation of allowing is conceptual, so I would like to explain more concretely. Please let me start by sharing the most common example of “not allowing”. When you are asking consciously but not wanting subconsciously, you are not allowing.

Unless you ask and allow in your subconscious mind, you can’t manifest how strongly you ask, create, and allow in your conscious mind. We often ask consciously but reject subconsciously. This happens when we would lose something as we manifest what we are asking. Something which we might lose can be anything, such as our current customs and current lifestyles.

When we hear “lose”, we are frightened. But when we manifest, something needs to be changed. We might lose what we currently have, which means we can get something new which we have never got. The subconscious mind loves keeping status-quo and doesn’t like change. Even though you want to change something in your life consciously, your subconscious mind says “NO”. But don’t worry. Your subconscious mind isn’t your enemy. You can access your subconscious mind and convince them if you want to change something.

The first step is visualizing the gap between your conscious thoughts and subconscious thoughts. Prepare a piece of paper and draw a line in the middle. In the right side of the paper, write down the benefits of not changing anything. In the left side of the paper, write down the benefits of manifesting your desire. If it’s difficult for you to think about benefits, it’s OK to think about something you might lose by manifesting. On the right side of the paper, write down something which you can’t get in your current situation. On the left side of the paper, write down something you think meditation and deep relaxation are also effective to access your subconscious mind. While you are meditating or feel deeply relaxed, ask yourself – “What am I afraid of by manifesting…?”
Another example of “not allowing” is when you persist with your old limiting belief. You might live in an old story which you created a long time ago.

To allow, you need to know you deserve what you are manifesting. Limiting beliefs limit your potentials and possibilities. We often have limiting beliefs, such as “This is too good for me.” Or “I don’t deserve this.” As you know, they are not true. Please be courageous to recognize your limiting beliefs which prevent you from manifesting and then release it. I believe everyone deserves to have their desired life. Please don’t feel guilty to manifest, we are all happy for you to manifest and the Universe is welcoming you to manifest.

Ask and you shall receive. To receive, you need to allow. Your desire might be waiting for you to allow. Don’t be angry with the fact that your desire hasn’t been visible yet in your physical world. If you want to boost the speed of manifestation, contact your subconscious mind and ask yourself “do I want this?” and “Do I have limiting beliefs on a subconscious level?”

Lastly, I summarize my article with a manifestation- a success story. This is the story of a 25-year old woman. After graduating from university at the age of 21, she started working for a company. She is social and beautiful, but she has never had a boyfriend.

She knows about the Law of Attraction and she has manifested many things, such as her desired job, desired house, etc.… She thought she was good at manifesting because she had been manifesting daily even though they were small things, such as buying oranges at the price she intended etc.…

However, what she wanted to manifest the most took time for her, which was “having a loving relationship with her boyfriend.” For more than one year, she consciously kept taking the 3 steps: asking, creating, and allowing. About 10 months past, she began to irritate the fact that nothing, not even a sign was showing up. Since she has been manifesting other things successfully, she began to analyze the difference between what she can manifest and what she can’t manifest yet (“having a loving relationship with her boyfriend”).
During meditation, she realized she didn’t allow things in on a subconscious level. As for the loving relationship, she realized her subconscious mind says “I like your current lifestyle in which I have enough free time I can spend however I want. If I have a boyfriend, I sacrifice my private time. I don’t want to lose my private time on weekends”.

Then she was convinced the situation is what she is experiencing now. She is manifesting exactly what her subconscious mind is asking.
To change this situation, she began to communicate with her subconscious mind. She talked to her subconscious mind, “Yes I might lose my free time. But instead of that, I can get time with my loving boyfriend. In my single free time, I would keep experiencing what I have been experiencing for years. Now I think I’m ready to experience something new. Furthermore, even if I date my boyfriend, I still have my free time. Having a boyfriend and dating seems fun, so why don’t I allow the experience to show up in my life?”.

After the contact with her subconscious mind, she felt it was much easier to manifest the relationship. She also began to feel her manifestation coming, which made her feel relaxed. About one month later, her friend introduced her to a man. Please let me omit the story of how she and the man became close, but they are now one of the happiest and most lovable couples I have ever seen. The point of this story is we experience miracles as we allow both consciously and subconsciously. Contact your subconscious mind and ask it what prevents you from manifesting. The answer is always within you. Your subconscious mind tells you.

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