Everything Attraction

How Your Thoughts Affect Your Energy and Manifesting? And, What to Do Now!

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics”.

Albert Einstein

You are the author of your own story. You create the story you dream and desire with your energy!

Everything in this world is made up of energy. Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs contribute to what you receive.

Nothing binds you except your thoughts.
Nothing limits you except your fears.
Nothing controls you except your beliefs”.

Marianne Williamson

There are three options, with what you can do with your thoughts and energy. Let’s see if you can work out which one will accelerate your manifesting abilities?

  1. Reflect the energy
  2. Absorb the energy
  3. Transform the energy

Yes, that’s right “Transform the energy!” But first, you must understand the first two options.


Imagine you are having an argument with someone and they are shouting, screaming, swearing and calling you all the names under the sun!

You could….

  1. Reflect the energy: – Shout, scream, swear and call them names back?
  2. Absorb the energy: – Keep quiet, say nothing and absorb the hurt and pain internally?
  3. Transform the energy: – Stay or walk away, but still send them love and light, pray for them or surround them in a bubble of love, light and protection?
  • Which one do you think would help your manifesting abilities, if you use the concept, “what you give out, you receive back?”
  • What kind of energy are you doing in the present moment of Now? Could you change this?

Well, it depends how badly you want to manifest some good vibes and energy into your life? Now, that’s the secret!

I used to work in a healthcare setting, as a paediatric nurse many years ago. As a nurse, a quality I had was compassion. If someone was shouting and screaming at me, I wouldn’t reflect or absorb it, I would stay calm, because they are displaying anger because they are not well, worried or grieving.

Within this context I would always create a thought like, “They are not well…Their loved one is not well…” They are troubled inside for their negative energy, don’t allow it to trouble you. Instead, transform it! Send love, light and healing. Having understanding protects your energy and that energy will be omitted to the Universe!

Now, I apply this “they’re not well” principle into my everyday life. If someone ever says anything negative to me, I look at them and in my head I say, “he/she’s just not well” (without smiling)- I say nothing, think no bad thoughts, and visualise me sending them a ball of energy containing pure, unconditional, love and light!

Here is a prime scenario that you may relate to:

There’s a family of 4 people. One person (Let’s use Dad as an example) – comes home from work, upset, angry and slightly on edge. Everyone is laughing and joking in the living room and the energy is high! Then, Dad walks in and throws his bag on the floor, ignores everyone and turns the tv on. His wife asks him how his day was and then he starts to shout at her for the living room being a mess!”

Now, if we use the 3 principles of energy; Reflect, absorb and transform– this will determine the energy of the room and how everyone else in it, can potentially be affected! If the other three people in the room reflect or absorb the energy, there will be four people who are “emotionally unwell!” If they transform, they would not be affected by this negative energy.

Sometimes saying nothing can be challenging, especially if someone is shouting or using abusive language. Trust me, I know! But it takes consistent training on your thoughts, habitually to programme this into your everyday life. And, remember, “If at first you don’t succeed, Try, Try, Try again!” Edison.

The best thing to do is say nothing and don’t think (or overthink)! Just use the thought in your mind, “he/she is not well.” When you do this, your innate quality of love, peace and respect doesn’t get blocked by anger, hurt, pain or resentment.

Buddha once said, “Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal, with the intent of throwing it at someone else. The only one who gets burned is you.” Let that go, release it, don’t reflect or absorb it. Instead radiate love and don’t get sucked into anyone’s lower energies. Instead, pull them into your higher energies or walk away and transform that loving frequency from a distance.

Teach and train your mind to create a thought response that is not dependant on someone else’s behaviour. This is when you master, emotional independence and that’s a pretty awesome skill to have!

Unfortunately, the mentality of society today is: –

If people are nice to me, I will be nice to them.”

If people are nasty to me, I will be nasty to them!”

Don’t become a machine, programmed with an auto response button. You have the power to override that system and be nice to those who are not nice to you! Have compassion and remember the thought “they are just not well!”

Anyone who radiates negative energy is troubled, in some shape or form. Don’t reflect or absorb it but, become a “Transformer” of energy instead. By doing this you protect your energy and you can manifest what your heart desires.

The world is going through so much pain and suffering because we are reflecting and absorbing other people’s negative energies. If you want to heal the world, create the life you dreamed of learn to have more understanding, compassion and/or patience, try this out. Trust me, it’s the schnizzle!

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

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