Everything Attraction

The Magic Of Water

All life is dependent on water and it can be a very effective component when used consciously in manifestation. As newly discovered by science, by some scientists called the ”Discovery of the Millennium,” water contains memory in itself and can therefore easily be programmed for a variety of purposes. It also contains a high level of consciousness that is yet to be discovered by science. Everything can be programmed but water. Due to its fluid changeable molecular structure, it is by far the easiest to program. Since our bodies contain about 75% water, drinking programmed water will have a profound impact on us.

Scientific evidence

German scientists in the Aerospace Institute in Stuttgart discovered a relatively simple way to make the structure of a drop of water visible. They discovered that each drop has an individual unique microscopic pattern. A scientific experiment was carried out whereby a group of students were obtaining droplets of water from the same body at the water and at the exact same time. Through close examination of the individual droplets of water, it was seen that each of the drops produced different images. They then made tests with having different flowers in the water and the drops made patterns that closely resembled that of the individual flower it was contained in.

According to a French scientist, Jacques Benveniste, pure water could somehow remember what it had previously contained. Benveniste had started with a substance that caused an allergic reaction. He diluted it over and over again until there was nothing left except water, and then he observed that the pure water still managed to trigger an allergic reaction when it was added to living cells. If the experiment was correct that could mean rewriting the laws of physics and chemistry. 

Science and Homeopathy

Moreover, the research would have a major impact on the credibility of homeopathy, because it is a form of alternative medicine that relies on remedies made by diluting the key curative ingredient over and over again until that ingredient has disappeared. Even Benveniste was shocked by the implications of his own work. “It was like shaking your car keys in the Seine at Paris and then discovering that water taken from the mouth of the river would start your car!” Dr. Masaru Emoto was another scientist who became world-famous in 1999 when he presented his experiments on water crystals in his book Messages From Water. He said that human consciousness has an effect on a molecular structure on the water.  

Emoto’s theory evolved over the years, and his early work revolved around the hypotheses that water could react to positive thoughts and words and that polluted water could be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization. His experiment consisted of him programming water, freezing it into water crystals for three hours at 20 degrees Celsius, and then photographing and studying the water crystals under a microscope. Beautiful structures appeared and they all seemed to be different, like snowflakes.

They even became increasingly beautiful as the water was exposed to music. He found that words like love and gratitude created beauty and harsh words like hate and disgust created crystals that seemed distorted. His books contain pictures of these crystals which are fascinating to observe. It’s interesting to experiment this ourselves.

Remarkable results

I did an experiment once with tomatoes. I took two glasses of water, I then performed energy healing on one of the glasses and left the other untouched. After fifteen minutes of healing, I placed a cherry tomato in each glass and after an hour of soaking, I put the tomatoes in the cupboard. The results were quite remarkable. The unhealed tomato started to decay in a few weeks whereas the tomato that had soaked in the healed water was fresh for over two months. These groundbreaking studies open a world of possibilities. Water can be used in manifestation in a myriad of ways and here I present a few examples you can try out for yourself.

Silva water glass technique

The groundbreaking self-help and manifestation expert, Jose Silva, was far ahead of his time. His spiritual self-help program, The Silva Method, was launched in the sixties and is still active. It has helped millions of people with visualization and manifestation techniques.

Here is his manifestation technique that contains water. As this is primarily a problem-solving method, I suggest you first try it for that, although when you feel proficient in this method you could also try it to manifest other things. The procedure goes as follows:

At bedtime, take a glass of water and, in a relaxed state, hold it in both hands as you think of a problem you want to solve. As you drink half of the water, turn your eyes upward as you say, “This water contains everything I need to know to solve the problem I have in mind.” Then go to bed, expecting the information to come to you in an effortless way. In the morning when you wake up repeat the procedure. You will have a dream of the solution to the problem or otherwise get the information that you need within twenty-four hours. If you do not receive the information within this time frame, you can repeat the process the next night. One of the reasons this technique is so powerful is the fact that it incubates in you all night long, and thus let your higher intelligence search for stored information in different brainwave activities of your subconscious mind during your sleep cycles.

The 2-Cup Method

This is a manifestation technique to change a specific situation in your life. It can be any type of situation e.g. change of workplace, manifesting a relationship, or clearing acne. You take two notes, on the first one you write your current situation and on the second one you write your desired situation.

You put each note on a separate glass/cup and fill the current situation glass up with water and then pour it into the desired situation cup. While you pour, think and visualize your desired outcome. The water will now be programmed with your desire and as previously mentioned, water is highly susceptible to programming. Now drink the water. Sit for a few minutes and feel it in your body and mind and then go on with your day.  This will change your inner frequency to the frequency of your desired result as all water within your body will take on this new frequency and adopt it.

This technique has become quite popular among conscious manifestors and can be surprisingly effective. According to the multiverse theory, we live in an infinite multidimensional universe where all possible outcomes exist simultaneously on different frequencies. This procedure helps you to effortlessly tune into the frequency of that universe of your desired outcome. 

Self-love exercise

Another great water exercise is this self-love exercise popularized by the spiritual teacher and author Teal Swan. Due to extreme trauma, physical, and mental abuse in her childhood, she was suffering from deep self-loathing. As she began the journey to self-love, she discovered that none of the exercises she tried to use to love herself really worked since the degree of self destruct was too ingrained in her psyche. She developed this technique. As she had extrasensory, she could actually see the impact between different energies on water. So she decided to make a Trojan horse of water. 

Something that would surpass the conscious mind and go directly into the cells. This procedure goes like this:
Take a glass of water and think of something or someone you deeply love. Hold the glass in both hands and let this feeling of love flow through your hands into the water glass for a few minutes. Then drink the water. The molecular structure of this water is now on the frequency of love and will, once you’ve drunk it, reprogram the water in your body so that your energy system and cells will vibrate on the love frequency.

You can do this exercise on anything really. Just focus on the energy you’ll want to embody, program the water and drink. Try it out with love, money, a new job, etc. Believe that anything is possible.

Another thing you can do is to infuse water with natural energies. For instance, put your favorite crystal in water and put this in sunlight or moonlight and let it infuse. All crystals contain specific energies and you can look them up in a good crystal book or online or just follow your intuition of what you need in the present. Put the crystal, or combination of crystals, in water and let it soak in the sunlight/moonlight for a few hours, then drink it. The light acts as a catalyst and also energizes the water with its life-giving frequencies. Another way to experiment with frequency is to solarize water through different colored glass.

As you see, there are countless ways to make water work with and for you and you can experiment with any of these techniques or discover your own.

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