Everything Attraction

Law Of Attraction And COVID-19

If you are here reading this, you understand the Law of Attraction. You understand that we get what we think about, both wanted and unwanted. But, you’re probably wondering how we created THIS! How did we create a virus that is killing so many and causing so much anxiety, depression, fear, panic, and financial ruin? As a collective society, we absolutely did ask for this, but, it is happening FOR our benefit! I am not minimizing the devastating effects COVID is having on so many people across the globe, but instead, since we get what we focus on, I’m going to focus on the positives coming forth BECAUSE of this virus. There’s literally a planetary reboot happening and if you’re here, you absolutely chose to be a part of this exact time! There are huge energetic shifts happening and we are more powerful creators than we have ever, EVER been before! You may be noticing what you are thinking about, you see evidence of it immediately. That is the Law of Attraction in action and our focus is manifesting faster than ever before! 

Law of Attraction is like gravity, it doesn’t matter if you understand it or not, it’s happening regardless. Maybe you were one of those that asked for time off from your job and received it! Or maybe you asked to work from home and received it! Maybe you asked to be your own boss and now you are. Maybe you asked to be with your loved ones more often and now you have it! Maybe you asked to see more kindness in the world and that is happening globally! The world is coming together more than ever before because we asked and it is given! Many of us were living hurried lives with little to no time for self-care. Now we have more time than ever! Most of us needed something to shake up our daily routine and momentum of our day-to-day experience and here we are with a chance to completely reset our lives! More new ideas are emerging every moment, providing new ways to interact with people all over the globe! The earth is naturally rebooting as waters clear and pollution lessens and Mother Earth returns to her natural wellness! We are launching more rockets of desire than ever before! Whatever we ask for it is given, it is done and as we align with our desires, by raising our vibration, our desires must manifest! 

So how do we raise our vibration during this very pivotal time? It starts as soon as you open your eyes in the morning, by focusing on something you love unconditionally, something without any resistance. Hold your attention there for 69 seconds and other thoughts of appreciation will come. Then as you go about your day, pay attention to how you feel and decide that nothing is more important than I feel good! When you see something you don’t want, immediately turn your attention to what you do want and focus there! Every morning, intend to feel good because when we feel good we are in alignment with everything we desire! Law of Attraction brings what we are a vibrational match to. So if we are feeling good, we will attract more things from that same vibration! 

“Do I have to feel good all day long because I don’t think I can do it?” No, absolutely not, especially right now, just tip the scales to feeling good a little more often and you will see immediate results! “Does that mean I have to stay away from the news and social media when it feels like that’s my only connection to the outer world?” Nope, absolutely not! Just dart in and dart out. If you start to feel your vibration slip then turn the news off or get off social media. Make your alignment your top priority! Get the information you need and then turn it off reminding yourself that all is really well no matter what it seems like right now! This contrast (virus) is incredibly valuable because when you know what you don’t want, now you know what you do want. But, most of us get stuck looking at what is currently happening that we forget to stop and say “Wait. Now I know what I want and it is______!” “I want to feel good!” “I want to be well!” “I want my loved ones to thrive!” “I want financial well-being and stability!” So yes, look at the contrast quickly, and then turn your attention towards your new desires. These desires would not be there if you hadn’t experienced this contrast! Contrast, as bad as it can feel, causes expansion and that expansion is EXACTLY why we came here. 

We are non-physical energy in physical bodies and that non-physical aspect of us has access to everything we need! That non-physical aspect knows the path of least resistance to everything we desire! A process that will help you feel that connection to yourself and get aligned is meditation. Since joy and wellness is who you really are and who you came here to be, before meditating, set the intention to feel that well being that is really you. Meditate as soon as you are awake in the morning. Although it is beneficial at any time, there is less momentum on negative thoughts, so mornings are easiest. You only need to meditate 10 to 20 minutes. You can turn on a fan or air conditioning and just focus on your breathing. Your thoughts will wander, we are human and it happens, just gently bring your focus back to your breath thinking “this breath is in, this breath is out.” Allow yourself to bask in the present moment. Another tip is to find a sentence that feels uplifting like “Everything is always working out for me.” As you breathe, take the words everything and is and focus all of your attention between the two words. Everything______is… Focus in that space of nothingness until your mind starts to wander and then go back to your sentence and say everything is___________ always and focus between is and always in that space of nothingness, of pure presence. Continue throughout your entire sentence until you feel centered and at ease. 

Although there are many processes and mindfulness techniques that will help you during this time the most important thing is to just be easy on yourself! Cut yourself some slack! Do things you’re inspired to do and know you cannot ever get it wrong because you’re never done! Don’t push against anything, because what we resist persists. Just allow yourself, and the earth, to replenish and return to our natural state of wellness and joy. Although we may never return to “normal” our new normal can be better than anything we’ve ever lived before!

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