Everything Attraction

The Power of Expressing Gratitude

“The Struggle ends when Gratitude begins.”

Neale Donald Walsh

A book that changed my life was called “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrnes. If you haven’t already read it, I highly recommend it! (It is also available to watch on Netflix).

This was the first time I came across the Law of Attraction and gratitude. The concept is the more gratitude you give, the more you receive. I will be honest with you; I was a bit skeptical but so many people around me were raving on about this book and how it changed their lives.

All they kept saying to me was, “Natasha, you just have to change the way you think and feel, and everything you could possibly dream of will be yours!” To be honest, I thought it sounded a bit airy-fairy at the time and that everyone around me had lost the plot. But my life was falling apart, I had just come out of a domestically abusive relationship, I had no home, no money, no job! I was in debt, lost, alone and my health was taking a severe slamming! I thought, “You know what? I have nothing to lose!” The moment I picked up the book and started to read, I was gripped! I just couldn’t put it down. I had now entered the world of “The Law of Attraction.”

I grabbed a pen and a notebook and started to write 10 things I was grateful for each day into my ‘gratitude journal’. I’m not going to lie, at first it was very difficult. The second day it was much easier, and by the end of the week, I was writing more than 10 things I was grateful for. I was feeling like I wasn’t so lost or alone and I had a lot to be grateful for. Gratitude was my vitamin for my soul. It made me feel more positive, uplifted, happier and content.
Many people say that it takes approximately 28 days to form a habit and that’s what I did. I made a habit of expressing gratitude each day. I would write in my gratitude journal daily, but even when I was walking, I would express it in everything I could see, feel, hear, smell and taste. Forget conversations with God, I felt like I was having conversations with the Universe! I’d be walking down the countryside lanes engaging with all my six senses saying:

Thank you for being able to see the beauty all around me. Thank you for my eyes.

Thank you, Universe for being able to hear the birds singing and making me feel happy. Thank you for my ears.

Thank you, Universe for the trees, that give us oxygen to breathe and being able to smell everything in nature, from the freshly cut grass to the cow that provides us with milk. Thank you for my nose.

Thank you, Universe for the shops that provide food to people so that they can eat. Thank you for my taste buds.

Thank you for my feet, which takes me from A to B and to see my friends and give them a big hug with my arms. Thank you for the power of touch.

Thank you, God, Universe, Angels and My Guides for being with me and giving me the strength and hope that I need. Thank you for my faith and your faith in me.

Gratitude, like faith, is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows. This was so true for me because the more I expressed gratitude the more my faith in the Universe grew. This habit of expressing gratitude daily broke my bad habits of feeling low because my mind was always in a constant state of blaming others. Now I was expressing gratitude, I was high of life and felt motivated to get up and start to rebuild my life, blaming no-one, not even myself! My senses had opened, and I was once again feeling alive and rejuvenated. Something I had not felt in a long time.

Zig Zaglar once said: “Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” And, boy was Zig Zaglar right!
Over a few weeks, I moved in with my grandma and my uncle gave me a full-time job. I was so grateful because they threw me a lifeline. I didn’t have to pay for rent, bills, food and I had a job to try and start to pay all my debts and potentially save money. The gratitude I had was so powerful I expressed it in the form of crying. This gratitude ignited something within me, it made me grateful for the care and love that people around me had when a few weeks ago I felt so alone.

Well, now I and The Universe were best friends. I started to set some serious intentions and goals. I did this by writing a letter of gratitude to the Universe for giving me these things:

Dear Universe,

Thank you for being able to clear my debt of £10,000
Thank you for bringing my true love and soul mate to me and getting married to him on a beach, just us two, with a few close friends.
Having a baby that was the carbon copy of me or my husband.
Thank you for helping me save money.
Thank you for being healthy and happy.
Thank you for being an author.
Thank you for your support, guidance, love and thank you for my dedication, love and will for being able to do all these things within two years!

Sending much love, light and gratitude

Natasha xxxx

With my letter to the Universe sent I imagined, believed and felt that this was already mine, habitually I continued to express gratitude daily!
Now, let me share with you the magic that started to unfold….

Within two weeks of doing this my first true love, who I was with when I was 16 messaged me on Facebook, 11 years after we had split up. We split up when we were 18 because he was business-minded and I was a free spirit who wanted to travel and backpack around the world. Our split was amicable, as we were just two different people at the time. We started talking and over a few months, we were head over heels in love! I told him about the Law of Attraction, my intentions, goals and explained to him how he would have to wait until my two years were completed before we moved in together. He was very understanding and agreed.
He lived in London and I lived in Manchester, which was about a three-hour drive. We had a long-distance relationship and saw each other once a month. However, we spoke every day and I would always express my gratitude in my journal about our conversations and dreams.

In between working, I would be writing my book that I wanted to get published and working hard to save money and not going out so I could save. I didn’t go out with any friends for a year, no drinking or socialising.

Money was coming to me in many forms, not just from work. I received a cheque for £1,000 for overpaid tax, people would give me birthday money, a customer even gave me money randomly and told me to save it and make something of myself. Money was just flowing to me.
Well, cutting a very long story short, I managed to hit all of them (bar one) within the two year period!
I cleared my £10,000 debt and managed to save enough money to buy my husband’s wedding ring. Yes, me and my first love, got married on a beach on the Seychelles. The family members who were meant to be there didn’t manage to make the flight and missed our wedding! The Universe has a sense of humour, but still delivered on my intentions (son be careful what intentions you set).
So, it was just us two and three close friends. I also fell pregnant a few weeks before we got married. I was healthy, happy and was blessed and grateful for the support, guidance and love from my best friend, The Universe!
My book was written and in the editing phase once I got to the two years, but I was so grateful for receiving all the other things, I still felt and believed I would receive a published book and a few months after I did. I am now an Author, successfully selling books around the world, check it out www.IKeepSeeing1111.com

Now, that’s the power of expressing gratitude daily!

Gratitude saved my life and brought me out of my lowest and darkest moments and into the light.
This is what it did for me:
It shielded me from negativity because I was always vibrating on a high frequency because I had so much to be thankful for.
It made me happier
Eliminated my stress
Healed my mind, body and soul
Helped me sleep
Boosted my self-esteem and performance
Helped my finances and relationships

These are only but a few…

Dreams really can come true and all it took was a pen, a book and the power of expressing gratitude, don’t underestimate it!

“Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency, and you will attract much better things.”

The Secret- Rhonda Byrnes

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