The Flow of Life:
Entering the Flow of Yoga through the Awareness of Prāṇa.
by Grant Shepherd.
In creating the life of our dreams, it is important to look after ourselves. But sometimes this can be easier said than done. When we work with the Law of Attraction, it sometimes seems that we have to do so much to manifest the life we want. Fortunately, there’s a way to take care of our total wellbeing while still creating our best life, and it is completely in alignment with the Law of Attraction. How about turning to yoga? It’s time for some real quality time: Time for yoga.
Yoga helps us to take care of ourselves in a holistic way while we pursue our dreams and goals. In this article, we will focus on two forms of yoga that are powerfully aligned with the LOA: hatha yoga and rāja yoga. Hatha yoga is a physical discipline that uses poses of the body to promote good physical health. Rāja yoga, literally “the king of yogas,” is a mental discipline designed to calm the mind and bring about the state of meditation. Both Hatha and rāja yoga support us to create and sustain a healthy body and mind as we create our perfect life.
But wait, there’s more. Hidden inside both hatha and rāja yoga is something vitally important to the creative process. This subtle element links both body and mind and is essential to both. Yoga philosophy calls it prāṇa. Prāṇa is the vital force that gives life to both body and mind. The very lifeblood of yoga, prāṇa pervades both body and mind and brings balance and harmony between them.
Why is it so beneficial for us to be aware of prāṇa? Because, quite simply, prāṇa is the creative flow of life itself! So, now that we know what it is, how do we connect to prāṇa? Through the breath. The breath is the doorway to prāṇa. Through the breath we become aware of prāṇa, we enter the flow of yoga. And when we enter the flow of yoga, we are powerfully supported to create whatever we want.
Now let’s explore how we can enter the flow of the prāṇa through hatha yoga and rāja yoga. The following are two very simple breath techniques designed to increase awareness of prāṇa. If you have already tried hatha yoga, technique one will work well for you. If you have tried meditation, technique two is for you. And don’t worry, if you have haven’t tried hatha yoga or meditation, you can still work with technique two and get great results; all that is needed is a quiet place to practice focusing on the breath.
Remain aware of your breath during your hatha yoga practice.
In your hatha yoga practice, focus strongly on the breath. Make the breath your number one focus, even more of a focus than each posture. Breath awareness allows prāṇa to move freely through the body. You may feel the prāṇa as a light tingling, an aliveness under your skin. Pay attention to it. This flow of prāṇa is life itself. When the prāṇa flows freely, the energy of life flows freely through the body as an unimpeded river of vitality. This vitality supports us as we pursue our life vision. It gives us stamina and enthusiasm to continue on our journey of manifesting the places, people and things that will create our best life.
Remain aware of your breath during your meditation practice.
This technique can be used whether or not you have practiced formal meditation before. Sit somewhere quiet in an upright posture that is alert and yet relaxed, and gently close your eyes. Now, simply become aware of your breath. Every time you have a thought, return your awareness to the breath. There is no need to judge the thought or try to change it, just observe it as it is, and then return to the breath. Your awareness of breathing, your awareness of the flow of prāṇa, is actually changing the chemistry of your brain and bringing it into a relaxed state of awareness. From this place, your creation will be focused, clear, and potent.
So, there we have it. Two powerful processes to connect with the flow of prāṇa, the flow of yoga. Try them for yourself and start to experience how they can enhance your creative process. Enter the flow of yoga through the awareness of prāṇa and let life flow with the beauty and ease of a clear mountain river, and let this river carry you to the life of your dreams!